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Orishagbemi, C. Ojo; Abdulmalik Bushiratu, Isah R. Laisi, Igbatigbi, J. Makoji and Achimugu Solomon

Department of Food, Nutrition & Home Sciences

Kogi State University, Anyigba – Nigeria

Email: cornelosag@gmail.com

Corresponding Author: Orishagbemi, C. Ojo


Organic extract from West African black pepper that contains antimicrobial/antioxidant agents, was prepared and used to preserve liquid kunun zaki along side control sample unpreserved. The extract was applied at four (4) concentration levels (5.0, 10.0, 15.0 and 20.0g extract/L kunun) making four experimental samples and one control properly packaged in plastic bottle (all coded). The samples were stored under ambient conditions, subjected to weekly routine inspection, physical, sensory, microbiological evaluation, shelf-life assessment and data analysis using standard methods in each case. The brix level, specific gravity, pH and titratable acidity of kunun samples were maintained for four weeks in 15.0g extract/Litre sample, found similar to the freshly prepared samples, showing no significant difference (p>0.05). While samples containing 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0g extract/L could maintain these physical properties for less than 3 weeks, before deterioration of sensory properties set in. Samples 10.0, 15.0 and 20.0g extract/L maintained initial high colour and taste ratings for 4 weeks under storage, while unpreserved control and 5.0g extract/L samples experienced rapid decline in colour and taste found to be significantly different (p>0.05). Flavour scores declined in all the samples as storage progressed, while samples 15.0 and 20.0g extract/L experienced the least decrease over 4 weeks duration, not significantly different (p>0.05) from the original high rating, while other samples were found objectionable/rejected at the end of week 3. Sample 15.0g extract/L maintained high mouth – feel rating throughout 4 weeks storage, while the control, 5.0 and 10.0g extract/L samples developed objectionable mouth – feel after week 3 and 20.0g extract/L sample had poor rating throughout storage over 4 weeks. Detected microbiological contents in samples under 4 weeks storage, included total plate count (9.8 x 10I cfu/mL, max), lactic acid bacteria (7.2 x 10I MPN, max), Geotricum spp (6.8×10I MPN/mL), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (8.8×10I MPN, max) and coliform (NIL). The values of each microbiological parameter fall within acceptable/ permissible limits for fermented food beverages, to guarantee safety for consumption. Apparently, 15.0g extract/L sample has the most desirable and acceptable quality attributes under 4 weeks storage at the ambient conditions (i.e. physical, sensory properties and safety), and therefore the extract of West African black pepper is a suitable organic preservative that can replace chemical/synthetic preservation of kunun zaki food drink.

Key words: Organic preservative, Black pepper extract, kunun zaki drink, antimicrobial/antioxidant agents.

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Solution to Poverty and Unemployment in Nigeria (a case study of Akwa Ibom State)

Category : Uncategorized


Ekemini-abasi Abraham is an indigene of Ikot Abasi Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.  He is the founder of Equal Life and Help Foundation, an initiative with the vision of taking the common man from poverty to wealth, unemployment to employment, ignorance to knowledge and injustice to justice. He is also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Eagle Skills Company (BN 2665483), a company committed to providing quality goods, services and skills acquisition trainings.

Ekemini-abasi Abraham is an indigene of Ikot Abasi Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.  He is the founder of Equal Life and Help Foundation, an initiative with a primary vision of taking the common man from poverty to wealth, unemployment to employment, ignorance to knowledge and injustice to justice. He is also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Eagle Skills Company (BN 2665483), a company committed to providing quality goods, services and skills acquisition trainings.

Furthermore, he is a theological scholar. He obtained Diploma in Theology (Dip.Theo.) from Uma Ukpai School of Theology (an affiliate of University of Uyo). He later proceeded to Missionary Theological College and Seminary, Uyo (an affiliate of Cornerstone University and Theological Seminary, USA), in pursuance of a degree in Theology.

He has a mandate from God to uphold the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ for humanity. It is with this mandate in mind, that he is committed to helping the poor and speaking the truth in love.

ISBN: 978-001-864-9

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The Effect of Seasonal Variation on the Concentrations of Gaseous and Particulate Matter at Marksino Quarry and its Environs in Akamkpa L.G.A of Cross River State

1Abanyam, Noah Lumun; 2Samaila Buba& 2Hamadu, Jennifer Hunleyedi

1Department of Sociology, Taraba State University, Jalingo. Taraba State, Nigeria

2Department of Geography, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State Nigeria

Email: noahlumun@gmail.com


The earth produces clean air, nourishing food, fresh water and vegetation. However, environmental abuse of these natural processes is increasingly causing serious health risk and socio-economic challenges. This study examines the implications of environmental abuse on health and socio-economic wellbeing in developing countries focusing on pollution and deforestation. Tragedy of the common theory was used in analyzing the study. The study found that environmental abuse causes climate change which continue to increase threats to human health, impacts on thermal stress, death, injury, floods, and storm and indirectly through change in the ranges of disease vectors such as mosquitoes, water-borne pathogens, biodiversity deflection, erosion, water quality, air quality, and food availability and quality. The story also revealed that environmental abuse such as deforestation, wide spread hunting, air pollution and water pollution are the disastrous consequences or commonest effects associated with drought, desertification, frequent cases of floods, starvation as well as ill-health such as respiratory illness, heart disease, long cancer, cholera, typhoid fever, food contamination and highrate of warm infection. The study recommended that there should be a coordinate global approach aimed at cutting down greenhouse gas. More so, there should capacity building to integrate climate change and its impacts into development planning involving local communities, raising public awareness and education on the implications of environmental abuse on the health socio-economic wellbeing. The study concludes that scientific attention, effective implementation of law against environmental abuse, and excessive campaign against environmental abuse should be the corner stone in eradicating all forms of pollutions and deforestation in developing countries.

Keywords: Implications, Environmental Abuse, Health, Socio-economic wellbeing, Developing Countries, Pollution, Deforestation 

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Fasae, Felicia Bosede Kehinde

Department of Business Education

College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti

fasaekehinde@yahoo.com or fasae.felicia@coeikere.edu.ng


Effective communication is determined by the speaker who in turn determines the response from the receiver.  A Yoruba adage says “oro rere lo n yo obi lapo” meaning that good words in turn produce good response.  The use of foul language is prevalent among tertiary institution students which may tend to affect conversations and relationships.  This paper examined the role of the academics in curbing foul language among tertiary institution students and was organized under:  character development, indiscipline in schools, sources of students’ use of language, use of foul language among students, effects of foul language on conversations, role of academics, and, way out. 

Keywords:  Foul language, Tertiary Institutions, Character, Indiscipline, Academics.

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Melletu Uchechukwu Agbo

Department of Business Administration

College of Management Sciences

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria

Email: agbomelletus@gmail.com, agbomelletus@yahoo.com


The study examined the Impact of Induction on Employees Performance in an Organization (A Study of Abia State Polytechnic, Aba). Data generated from the questionnaire were presented in frequency distribution tables and analyzed by the use of simple percentage techniques. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to perform these tests. The following objectives were tested; to establish the effect of induction programs on employees Productivity in Abia State Polytechnic Aba, and to examine the effect of induction programs on employees Effectiveness. The results of showed that induction programs had positive relationship with employee’s profitability (r=0.662, p=.000) which was strong relationship and organizational profitability were significantly and positively related with each other with r= 0.144, P = 0.000. On the basis of these results null hypothesis was rejected and alternate hypothesis was accepted. We therefore recommended that Seminars and workshops should be organized for the human resource department on the importance of systematic approach of induction and proper procedure to follow in identifying skill gaps in the various departments. Heads of Department should be sensitized on the importance of sending the right employee on induction and training.

Keywords: Induction, Performance, Productivity and Organization

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Austin, Ikubor Sokpuwu

Department of Educational Management

Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Email: aust_royal@yahoo.co.uk


This paper examined the need for strategic planning as a remedy for successful management of secondary school systems in Nigeria. The research design used was a descriptive review, which reveals the strong connection between strategic planning and successful management of the secondary school system in Nigeria. The Nigerian secondary school system has encountered quite a number of challenges Inadequate infrastructure, instructional materials and Facilities School, Inadequate motivation/Staff Low Morale Teachers, Poor education board and Ministry Monitoring/Supervision of Schools, Poor Funding, Unqualified and inadequate teachers, Poor Application of ICT Computer learning and Non-involvement of stakeholders/Teachers in key Decision-making and Planning amongst others. This paper looks at the meaning and context of strategic planning its process, approaches, elements and use in education. SWOT analysis approach was examined with model sample. The paper concludes that despite the several issues plaguing the Nigerian secondary school system, with the proper adoption and implementation of strategic planning and management, the expectations of the national policy on education on secondary school can still be achieved for the benefit of both the school and nation.

Keywords: Strategic Planning, Secondary School, Strategic management, SWOT Analysis

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1Izuogu, Kingsley Chukwuemeka; 2Okpara Onyekwere & 3Ubani, Emenike Ikedichi

1Department of Mass Communication, Abia State University, Uturu Nigeria

2Division of General Studies, Abia State Polytechnic, Aba

3Department of Mass Communication, Abia State University, Uturu Nigeria

Email: reverendizuogu@yahoo.com


Frankly speaking, everything in life has got its own time and season. Today, we live in the time and season of the new media which has apparently altered the conventional modes of human communication. With their inherent interactive and inter-connective attributes, the new media have condensed the communication process to a more democratic and participatory dialogue. Obviously, the new media have not only bridged the communication gap between content-creators and content-consumers, but have also introduced other media practices that seem to offer endless possibilities in the communication world. In view of the fact that every technological breakthrough comes with inherent good and bad aspects; it becomes pertinent to x-ray the use of the new media among Nigerian undergraduate students. In other words, this research is intended to investigate how Nigerian students use the new media and how much time they spend on such media sites. The study adopted the survey method of research, wherein the questionnaire was used as an instrument to explore the gratifications which undergraduate students of Abia State University Uturu and University of Nigeria Nsukka seek from the new media, and how such gratifications rob off on their academic performance.

Keywords: Citizen Journalism, New Media, Tertiary Education, Productive Learning, Nigerian     Universities

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1Abioluwajumi Lucky & 2Osaghae F. S. O

1Department of Political Science and Public Administration

Benson Idahosa University, Benin City

2Institute of Public Administration and Extension Service,

University of Benin

P.M.B. 1154, Ekehuan Campus, Benin City


The papers assess the privatization of the power sector in Nigeria with a view to find out if it is achieving the purpose for its adoption and the challenges facing it. The multifarious challenges facing the power sector such as low capacity generation of power, transmission, distribution near total darkness and the issuance of estimated billing system.

This paper viewed the unbundling of NEPA into eighteen (18) Successor Company. Eleven Distribution Companies (DISCOs) and six generation company (GENCOs) and its effect on the citizens and the economy. The methodology adopted in this study was survey research design. The elite theory and the Total Quality Management theory were the theoretical framework. This paper shows that the earlier assumptions that privatization led to regular power supply is not true. The paper also revealed that the use of estimated billing system, the reluctant behavior of Discos to supply pre-paid meters to their customers, the use of casual staff by Discos, the use or obsolete infrastructure and the inefficient supervision of the value chain by the Transmission Company of Nigeria are some of the challenges faced by the power sector. The paper recommends proper supervision/sanctions were necessary/sanctions were necessary for violations, refusal to provide pre-paid meters, the transfer of pre-paid meter to new apartment by their customers and the use of renewable energy to increase power supply.

Key Word: Privatization, power sector, value-chain, power sector road map and renewable energy.

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P.T. Marcus

Department of Mass Communication

Plateau State University, Bokkos

Plateau State, Nigeria


A communication intervention in Vesico Vaginal Fistula (VVF) is a core eradication agenda strategy and exposure to intervention messages could help to achieve the goal of preventing and controlling VVF in Nigeria. This study was designed to assess community perception of the impact of radio messages on Vesico Vaginal Fistula Disease in North-west Nigeria. To achieve the objectives of the study, survey research design was adopted while; interview and Focus Group Discussions were used as the research instruments for data collection. The data was analyzed using content analysis by adopting the six-step model of Bryman. The findings shows that awareness of VVF was through other radio programmes where friendly health issues are also discussed, but there was no specific programme devoted to the campaign on the disease. The radio provided the needed information on VVF and, for those that heard the messages, they used such information to enhance their knowledge of the disease, but its impact were not significant because the messages do not reach majority of people in the study area and was not the major source of information about the disease. All health personnel and the media houses covered concurred that radio messages on VVF have not been conducted regularly and there is no specific day for reporting on the disease. Media practitioners have encountered many problems in their involvement in campaign against VVF in North West Nigeria. Some of the challenges identified included shortage of staff, lack of modern equipment, technical knowledge about VVF and health reporting, competition from other programmes, and short duration for VVF related stories. The study concluded that despite the fact that radio mass media have enormous potential to influence health-related behaviours and perceptions, the use of media for health development is not without hitches or challenges. The study recommended that Messages on life repulsive health condition, such as VVF should be frequently aired, possibly, broadcast on a daily basis so that people in the study area can be well informed about the disease. Also, for the radio to achieve the desired results on VVF, it should use the appropriate channels that are people oriented and also increase their campaigns by dedicating programmes to the campaignKeywords: Vesico Vaginal Fistula; Radio; Radio messages; Perception; North-

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1Ogbole A James, 2Aboh Uche James& 3Mgbenkemdi Ejike. H

Department of Psychology

 Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Agbani Enugu

Headquarters Theatre Command Operation Lafiya Dole, Maiduguri


The study investigated coping styles as predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder among Nigerian soldiers. The study was carried out among Nigerian military personnel deployed in the North-eastern part of Nigeria fighting insurgency. Purposive sampling technique was employed to select 242 participants with combat experience. Demographic information revealed that 231 (95.5%) are males, 11(4.5%) are females. Analysis of participants’ rank revealed that 215(88.8%) were private and 27 (11.2%) were commissioned, officers. The participants were administered two sets of  instruments based on survey design; a 17-item Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist-Military (PCL-M) (Weathers, Huska, & Keane, 1991);  and 30-item Personal Functioning Inventory (Kohn, Brien-wood, Pickering &Decicco, 2003; Umeh, 2004); Descriptive statistics were used to present the socio-demographic factors of participants while hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis in relation to coping styles as predictors of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among Nigerian soldiers. The results showed that the coping style was a significant predictor of PTSD among the soldiers (β = -.384, P <.05). The findings were discussed in relation to literature reviewed and it was suggested that the Nigerian military authorities should effectively engage the services of mental health professionals such as the Psychologist to help in ensuring the mental state of soldiers fighting an insurgency. The researcher concluded that individuals with negative coping strategies such as emotional-focused coping styles are more likely to experience PTSD.

Key words: Coping Styles, Posttraumatic stress disorder, Nigerian Soldiers