Category Archives: 2018 Journals

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The Role of Christian Women as Peace Makers in the Home: A Biblical Study of Abigail

Abodunrin Adeniyi Olufemi

Department of Christian Religious Studies

College of Humanities

Redeemer’s University-Ede, Osun State


Women are different from men. The much publicised gender equality notwithstanding women should be proud of their different roles in their homes. Since women are regarded as traditional home keeper, prayer warrior, teaching children, spiritually gifted and financial supporter to the family. This paper therefore, focuses on the important parts being played by Christian women in the home. It proceeds to discussing the significant role of a particular women in the Bible, who saved her family from destruction and that is Abigail in the Old Testament. The supreme dignity of human being is expressed in the concept that men/women are “created in the image of God”. This is immediately related to both male and female (Gen. 1:27). They are both the image of God. Apparently speaking, both man and woman are created by God. It was a woman that was taken from the side of Adam to be suitable mate, as Adam was made first. God created the woman as the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a helper suitable for him” (Gen 2: 18). This is more than being an assistant. However, being a “helper” does not imply that the women was inferior or subservient to the man, the same Hebrew word ˋezer translated as “helper” means is a co-worker and is used to describe God, Himself in Psalms 33:20, 70:5, 115:9-11. This image of Abigail is further supported by many Christian women in our contemporary time. When a house hold occupies the preeminent place in society, women have a strong role in decision making and consequently exercise considerable power in the household. This is especially true for complex household such as Abigail the extended or multiple – family units that made up a significant number of domestic compounds in Israelites villages. No doubt this was true of Nabal’s household. Because of his wealth, his home was most likely quite complex, probably more likely a compound.Keywords: Christian Women, Peace Maker, Abigael and Feminism

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Panorama of Economy Recession in Nigeria

Solomon Michael Ojo

Department of Quantity Surveying

Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria



Economy recession in Nigeria is a quagmire that threatens the economical and sociological wellbeing of humans, institutions and companies that contribute to sustainability of our dear nation.  This paper reviewed holistically the causes and resultant effects of recession on the Nigerian social and economic wellbeing. The study reviewed extant literature and identified poor economic planning, high inflation rate, high-interest rate, high taxation, policy conflict, nefarious acts of politicians, unhealthy transactions of business moguls and hike of price petroleum as causes of the present economy recession in Nigeria resulting in downsizing of organizational employee, bankruptcy of companies, skyrocketing unemployment, electrical power shortage, lawlessness, death, infidelity, high cost of living, insecurity and extortion. The study concludes that, Nigeria can only be out of recession sonnest if Nigerian government can reduce tax rate, ensure effective spending, enhance access to credit, increase her expenditure on skill acquisition, encourage entrepreneurship and diversify the economy by investing in and encouraging agriculture.

Key Words: Economy, Nigeria, Panorama, Recession, Sustainability.

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Modeling of Production Function with Application to Crude Oil Producing Sector in Nigeria

Maxwell, Awoingo Adonijah…………………………………………………………………1

Functions of Nuclear Radius as an Evaluation of Nuclear Charge Density

E. W. Likta………………………………………………………………………………..…..8

Protection of Power Supply Equipment: A Panacea for Effective Power Delivery to Consumers in Benue State University, Makurdi

Iorbee Michael Mlahaga; Ajon, Ruben. A; Atem, John. A & Ejeh Emmanuel…………..15

Impact of Computer-Aided Instruction and Laboratory Facilities on Interest in Physics among Senior Secondary School Students in Kaduna State, Nigeria

Babangida Iro………………………………………………………………………………………………..23

Step Methods in Numerical Ordinary Differential Equations

Adetunji, A. B.  & Adeleke, I.A………………………………………………………………31

Combating Corruption in Nigeria: Rational Comparing the Level of Stability between Standard (Single-Step) and Multi-Decision Theory Approach                 

U.C. Arinzea, A.H. Eneha, D.U. Ebem…………………………………….…………..…..39

Solar Energy in Nigerian Buildings: A Pathway to Energy Efficiency

Onwugbonu Dike Ajie & Paul Uchenna……………………………………….……………….. 49

A 3-Model Postural Theory of Non-Specific Low Back Pain (NSLBP)

M.Y. Mafuyai, B.F. Masok, B.U.A Abozeh &  Y.Y. Jabil .….…………………………. 55

Isolation and Characterization of Active Fraction of Pergularia tomentosa against Dermatophyte

Arzika, A.T., Adili, A.T., Abubakar, L., Bagna, E.A. and Mohammed, S. ………..…… 63

Physico – Chemical and Bacteriological Assessment of River Mudzira Water in Mubi, Adamawa State

Maitera, O. N, Alexander, P. Anyawu, J. .….……………………………………….…… 74

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Modeling of Production Function with Application to Crude Oil Producing Sector in Nigeria

Maxwell, Awoingo Adonijah

Department of Mathematics

Faculty of Science

Rivers State University, Port Harcourt



This study focuses on modeling of production function with application to crude oil producing sector in Nigeria. The Cobb-Douglas Production function with multiplicative error term is considered in this study. The objectives of the study are to estimate parameters of Cobb-Douglas production functions and examine measures of Returns to Scale of the Cobb-Douglas production function in the crude oil producing sector in Nigeria. The data for the study are crude oil production in Nigeria from 1998-2017, and are collected from the World Bank (World Development Indicator). The methods of ordinary least square (OLS) are used in the estimation of the production function. The study finds that coefficients for capital (K) and Labour (L) are – 0.0573 and 0.4656 respectively for the entire crude oil producing sector and the coefficients for capital is relatively low. The adjusted R2implies that the model is able to explain only 29.2 percent of the total variation in the crude oil production. The findings also reveal that the sector exhibits decreasing returns to scale. This study suggests that increases in capital and labour employment will boost the production of crude oil in Nigeria.

Keywords: Cobb-Douglas Production function, Return to Scale, Crude oil, capital, labour.

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Functions of Nuclear Radius as an Evaluation of Nuclear Charge Density

E. W. Likta

Department of Physics

University of Maiduguri P.M.B 1069, Maiduguri, Nigeria



The goal of this paper is to show the shape of a nucleus depends mainly on its charge distribution. Both the radius of a nucleus and density distributions are important. The nuclear charge distribution of different values of nuclear radius R for both light and medium nucleus, scoped to computerize nuclear charge as function of nuclear radius. The nuclear charge density distribution is exponentially decreases with the increase in nuclear charge radius for both light and medium nucleus. Also for heavy nuclei indicate that the charge density is roughly constant out to a certain point and drops relatively slowly to zero.

Keywords: Electron scattering, Nuclear Radius, Nuclear Mass and Density

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Protection of Power Supply Equipment: A Panacea for Effective Power Delivery to Consumers in Benue State University, Makurdi

1Iorbee Michael Mlahaga; 2Ajon, Ruben. A; 3Atem, John. A & 4Ejeh Emmanuel

Department of Vocational and Technical Education

Benue State University, Makurdi- Nigeria


The study was carried out to investigate the protection of power supply equipment, a panacea for effective power delivery to consumers with special reference to the protection of power facilities in Benue State University Makurdi. Three research question and one hypothesis were raised for the study. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design with total population of 20 respondents. A purposive sampling technique was used for the study. A self-developed questionnaire was employed to collect data for the study. The instrument was faced validated by three professionals. The reliability of the instrument was found to be 0.72. Data was collected through direct contact.  The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation; ANOVA was also used to test the hypothesis at 0.05 level. The findings revealed that, protection of power supply equipment has a great impact on power supply. The study identified some major causes of power failure to include; the use of substandard of materials, overloading, and climate change among others. Provision of standard protective equipment and strengthening of security surveillance among others were also identified as ways of mitigating power failure on consumer premises. The study recommended equipment/system policy strategic techniques in protection of power facilities. These included stiffer penalty verdicts with reference to abrogation of option or fines and criminalizing the possession of copper materials. On equipment and system strategy policy, the study recommended that high capacity distribution transformers covering larger areas should be replaced with numerous smaller pole mounted power transformers with a view to making vandals’ access to it difficult and also that attacks on these transformers would become localized since resulting power outage would be limited to a smaller area.

Key words:  Protection, Power Supply, Equipment

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Impact of Computer-Aided Instruction and Laboratory Facilities on Interest in Physics among Senior Secondary School Students in Kaduna State, Nigeria

Babangida Iro

Faculty of Education

National Open University of Nigeria



Our current teaching strategies appear unproductive to enhance problem-solving skills among students’ of physics. There is need to move from traditional approaches to more innovative information and communication technologies enriched approaches for meaningful learning. The low interest exhibited by students’ towards physics have been a matter of concern for stakeholders in education industry, as such motivated the researcher to investigate the impact of Computer-Aided Instruction and Laboratory Facilities on interest in physics among senior secondary school students’ in Kaduna State. Three null hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted Triangulation which include; Survey and Quasi-experimental Design. The population of this study covered all SSII physics students in public senior secondary schools of the twelve (12) Educational zones of Kaduna state with a population of 1520 students as at 2016/2017 academic session out of which 200 SSII physics students were sampled from three public senior secondary schools in three educational zones using random sampling techniques. Two validated instruments were developed by the researcher; Physics Performance Test (PPT) and Physics Interest Inventory Questionnaire (PIIQ). The Research null hypotheses were tested with inferential statistics using t-test and Analysis of Variance at 0.05 and 0.01 level of significance. Results of findings show that there is significant impact of Computer-Aided Instruction and Laboratory Facilities on physics students. Similarly, the findings of the research revealed a significant impact of Computer-Aided Instruction and Laboratory Facilities on interest of physics students. The study further revealed that there is no significant difference in the impact of Computer-Aided Instruction on interest between male and female physics students. It was concluded that students’ interest can be influenced by influencing teaching strategies like Computer-Aided Instruction and Laboratory Facilities. The study recommended the need for state government to incorporate Computer-Aided Instruction and Laboratory Facilities into physics curriculum at secondary level.

Keywords: Computer-Aided Instruction, Laboratory Facilities and Interest in Physics

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Comparing the Level of Stability between Standard (Single-Step) and Multi-Step Methods in Numerical Ordinary Differential Equations

Adetunji, A. B.  & Adeleke, I.A.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

Lautech, Ogbomoso and Computer Science Department, EACOED, Oyo and


In solving ordinary differential equation (ODE) numerically, there are series of techniques to be employed but the choice of suitable technique to determine their level of stability is a great problem. This research evaluated Runge-Kutta of fourth order as standard method and Adams-Moulton of fourth order as multistep method with two sample problems of ordinary differential equations to compare their performances. The two problems were solved with the two numerical algorithms selected and implemented using C++ programming language as ten iterations on each sample problem were carried out to determine their stability. The results obtained were presented in form of tables which ranged between -1.000000 to 1.9524898 for Adams method while Runges values ranged between -1.000000 to -0.3639740 and their corresponding values ranged between 4.0000000 to 5.7797685 and 4.0000000 to 5.8775982 respectively. The error differences in relation to the exact-solutions were calculated such that Adam’s method ranged between 5.7E-07 to 2.56E-06 while that of Runge’s method ranged between 5.7E-07 to 2.3165 their corresponding error differences ranged between -6.12E-03 to -5.3E-06 and   -6.12E-03 to -9.7835E-02 respectively. Graphs were used to present the error differences to clearly see the level of stability of the two numerical algorithms under consideration. The result showed that Adams-Moulton technique is more stable if not absolutely stable than its counterpart.

Keyword: ODE, stability, multistep, standard-method and exact-solution

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Combating Corruption in Nigeria: Rational Decision Theory Approach

U.C. Arinzea*, A.H. Eneha, D.U. Ebema

aDepartment of Computer Science, Faculty of Physical Sciences,

University of Nigeria, Nsukka-South East, Nigeria.


* Corresponding author


This research paper will use the rational decision theory to explain why people in both private and public sectors of the economy indulge in the act of corruption. The Rational Decision Theory1 is a standard analytic approach used by economists and other social scientists to explain why individuals make the decisions that they do. The field of decision theory indebted to Blaise Pascal (1670), Daniel Bernoulli (1738) and Abraham Wald (1939) has spawned several Nobel Laureates, and a healthy body of experience has developed to support its fundamental premise 1. The behavior of stockholders, economic cycles of boom and bust, criminal behavior, and a host of other behaviors have been explained by this theory. In this article, I apply simple rational decision theoretic rules to explain why corruption thrives in Nigeria’s private and public sectors as a model to what obtains in other parts of the world. I will also apply the theory to identify some critical areas where private / public policy efforts should be focused if corruption is to be tamed. This research paper seeks to provide a comprehensive insight into the vexed and critical issue of corruption. The topic is relevant, due to its contributing effects to retarding the growth and development of countries in both developed and developing parts of the globe. This research paper will tackle the issue at stake comprehensively by providing definitions of what corruption is from diverse authorities, research methodology employed in preparing this seminal paper, national scenario of corruption in Nigeria as a reference model, causes and effects of corruption, challenges faced by companies working together in collective action to combat the monster of corruption, long and short term implications of not outlining strategic agenda to deal with corruption in all its ramifications , and  efforts made to tackle the problem at both public and private sectors of the economy, and at national, regional and international levels will be examined.

Keywords: Rational, Decision, Theory, Analytic, Reference, Model, Approach, corruption, Stockholders, Research, Methodology.

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Solar Energy in Nigerian Buildings: A Pathway to Energy Efficiency

Onwugbonu Dike Ajie & Paul Uchenna

Department of Architecture,

Rivers State University, Port Harcourt


Due to the increase in living standard and demand, energy conservation has become important in industrialized and developing countries. In respect to rational use of energy, this paper evaluates solar energy in Nigerian buildings with the aid of passive and active solar architecture approaches which makes use of specific building design principles and reduces the artificial energy requirements for achieving indoor thermal comfort. As a climate responsive architecture, building design criteria has been studied with the help of several parameters like geographic location and climatic conditions, building shape, orientation, selection of construction materials, building openings viz. windows, selection of suitable sunshades, etc. All the salient building design parameters are studied and important findings and recommendations are suggested as the outcome of the study.In our quest for sustainable development and the achievement of a safe environment, numerous alternatives to power supply have been exploited. The challenge of erratic and insufficient power has for decades bedeviled our dear nation resulting in the proliferation of the use of generators in multiple locations within the built environment. This solution apparently is the people’s response to the nations decaying infrastructure but invariably produces an environment which is unsafe to its inhabitants. In recent times, reports have shown that the emissions arising from this practice have caused the death of occupants. It is common knowledge that the use of solar energy as an alternative power source is not yet ubiquitous in this country. In recent times, innovation in the area of thermal solar and photovoltaic provides possibilities of its introduction in the building fenestration and facade. This study however examines some existing solar powered facilities in Nigeria.  The study is useful for various resource persons involved in construction activities for designing energy efficient buildings.Keywords: Solar Energy, Environmentally friendly, Passive and Active solar