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Olowofeso, Edamisan

Department of Entrepreneurship, School of Management Technology

The Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria

E-mail: eolowofeso@futa.edu.ng


Due to the immense contribution of real estate to economic development in Nigeria, This study investigates the factors influencing the real estate investment growth in Lagos, Nigeria. Primary data structured in 5- Likert scale were collected from real estate professionals practice in Lagos State. The data collected were analysed using SPSS 23.0 Fifteen variables were identified as factors that influence the growth of real estate practice, the variables were subjected to principal component analysis (PCA) with varimax rotation. Keiser-Meyer-Olkin’s (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity were employed to test the factorability of the data. The KMO obtained for the study was 0.734 and significant at the level of 0.000. Bartlett’s test showed an approximate Chi-Square of 1538.303 with 105 degrees of freedom that significant at p = 000. The cumulative percentage of the variance showed that the three factors account for about 67% of the total variance. The analysis shows that variables with the highest loading factors for each of the extracted constraint factors. For instance, innovation loads with 83.7% on factor 1; length of operation loads with 97.3% on factor 2; and education background of the respondents’ loads with 74.8% on factors 3 were the most significant factors that can influence the growth of real estate practice in the study area.

Keywords: Determinant, Real Estate Investment, Growth, Lagos, Nigeria

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Christopher N. Ekong, Joel I. Okon, and Ubong E. Effiong

Department of Economics

University of Uyo, Uyo



The study aimed at examining the influence of fiscal policy on unemployment in Nigeria for the period 1990-2018 with a view to ascertaining the effectiveness of fiscal policy tools in counteracting the problem of unemployment. The study used unemployment rate as the dependent variable; tax revenue, capital expenditure, recurrent expenditure and external debt as proxies for fiscal policy while inflation rate and exchange rate were introduced as control variables. Stationarity tests were carried out on the variables using the Augmented Dicker Fuller and Phillips-Perron Tests and the Johanson Co-integration Test was employed to ascertain the short-run and long-run relationship among the co-integrating equations. The OLS estimate was employed to determine the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. It was found that capital expenditure, recurrent expenditure, external debts, inflation rate and exchange rate have a positive relationship with unemployment in the long-run, only tax revenue was found to have an opposite relationship with unemployment rate. However, in the short-run, capital expenditure, recurrent expenditure and external debts reduced unemployment rate whereas inflation rate, exchange rate and tax revenue were positive. It is recommended that borrowed funds be used only for the intended productive purposes. There should be strict monitoring of government projects to ensure that every naira spent counts. The fight against corruption must be upheld to restore sanity into the polity and accountability in the use of public funds. There is need to transmogrify the economy into a productive hub, this will reduce the rate of external borrowing, inflationary pressures and enhance effective and beneficial exchange rate policy. Tax policies/regimes should not be such that discourage investments and other productive economic activities. There is need to urgently address the lack of sustained political will to implement viable economic policies and strictly adhere to every aspect of those policies. Any recommendations will be useless if not implemented to the later.

Key words: Fiscal Policy, Unemployment

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Lekara-Bayo, Ifeoma Better & Etuk, Ette Harrison

Department of Mathematics

Rivers State University, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt 


The study Fourier time series analysis of Nigeria gross domestic product from 2005 to 2015 of quarterly data is an important part of modern time series analysis. The study employed Fourier periodic time series analysis and adequately model gross domestic product over time. The detailed background of Nigeria gross domestic product to date is highlighted in the study. The parameters of the model yield an adequate model for the study. A computational algorithm for the model estimation gives better understanding of the procedures for estimation. The descriptive property of the gross domestic product was obtained on the transformed data. The test of unit root was achieved by Augmented Dickey-Fuller of order 1, with ACF, PACF and Residuals plots. The test of significance of the general model was achieved and the P-P Plot indicates that the model fits the data. The research work provides an autoregressive model of order 2, Fourier series model, time series decomposition plot, component analysis, trend analysis plot for linear model of gross domestic product. The research work provides forecast values of five years from 2016 to 2020.

Keyword: Fourier time series analysis, Nigeria GDP, ACF, PACF

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In Vitro  Callus Induction Potentials of Wheat Genotypes using Mature Embryo as Ex-Plant Source under different Levels of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) M.K. Haruna, C.U. Aguoru, C.C. Iheukwumere, & I.D. Salisu …………….….1

Ocular Morbidity in the Elderly Population of Nyanya, Abuja, Nigeria

Onwukwe, N.A. & Okafor, P. C. ………………………………….…………….15

Histomorphology of Intracranial Tumors in Benin-City, Nigeria

Udoh MO, Udoh DO, Aligbe JU, Olu-Eddo AN, Ekanem VJ & Akhiwu W.O………………………………………………………………………………….27

The Effect of Noise Pollution on Human Cardiovascular System

Favour Chukumela Woko………………………………………………….………41

Working Mother Attitude and Practice of Exclusive Breast Feeding Pattern among Banker in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria

Ilori O.A 1Nupo S.S, 2Akinlotan J.V, 1Nupo O.A, & 3Adenekan M.K…………49

Isolation and Structural Elucidation of 20 hydroxyecdystone from Vitex doniana Sweet Stem bark (Black plum)

Mustapha A. Tijjani, Y.A. Shettima, Fanna I. Abdulrahman; Irfan Z. Khan; Cong Li……………………………………………………………………………..59

Phytochemical Analysis and Antibacterial Efficacy of Leaf Extracts of Nauclea latifolia L.

Malami Y.G., Lawal F.B. & Garba S.T………………………………………….65

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Phytochemical Analysis and Antibacterial Efficacy of Leaf Extracts of Nauclea latifolia L.

Malami Y.G., Lawal F.B. & Garba S.T.

Department of Science laboratory Technology

Umaru Ali Shinkafi Polytechnic, Sokoto, Nigeria


Nauclea la tifolia is a valuable medicinal plant that is widespread in the humid tropical rainforest or in savannah woodland zone of West and Central Africa. Different parts of the plant possess remarkable therapeutic actions that can support the traditional usage of this plant in the treatment of several ailments. Phytochemical analysis and antibacterial efficacy of the leaf extracts were evaluated. Phytochemical analysis was carried out using standard procedure, the chemical ingredients detected were Flavonoids, Tannins, Saponins, Alkaloids, Steroids, Glycosides, Saponins glycosides, Volatile oils and absent of Cardiac glycosides, Balsam and Anthraquinones. Antibacterial efficacy of the leaf extract was also tested against certain strains of clinical isolates of Salmonella typhi, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp using disc diffusion and broth dilution techniques. The antibacterial test results had indicated that, the test isolates were sensitive to the leaf extract of the plant with the highest efficacy against Salmonella typhi (33mm) at 200mg/ml, Klebsiella pneumoniae (40mm) at 200mg/ml, Staphylococcus aureus (11mm) at 200mg/ml, Streptococcus spp (14mm) at 200mg/ml and lowest activity at 25mg/ml. The extract found to showed strong inhibitory effect against the test isolates at higher concentration which was in dose dependent manner. The study had indicated that the leaf extracts of the plant has potential against microbial infections.

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Isolation and Structural Elucidation of 20 hydroxyecdystone from Vitex doniana Sweet Stem bark (Black plum)

Mustapha A. Tijjani*1, Y.A. Shettima2, Fanna I. Abdulrahman1, Irfan Z. Khan1, Cong Li3

1Department of Chemistry, University of Maiduguri.P.M.B 1069, Maiduguri, Nigeria

2Department of Biochemistry, University of Maiduguri

3Departement of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Maiudguri, Maiduguri

3Nat. Centre for Natural Products Research and Developement Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Mississipi, United States of America

Email: mustaphatijjani22@yahoo.com


The ethanolic extract of Vitex doniana stem bark (11.9g) was subjected to a silica gel accelerated column chromatography and eluents fractions (150ml aliquots) obtained were collected and monitored with thin layer chromatography (TLC).. Fractions with similar Rf values from same solvents system were poled together. Phytochemical test of all the fractions were perform. Complete elution yielded 48 fractions (150ml/fraction) which were pooled to 24 fractions and finally to eight (8) eight fractions and coded. Fraction Vd8-a (56mg) has gave a single spot  a white crystal compound coded V1 on checking with TLC and observed under Ultraviolet lamp .The Rf values was calculated to be 0.433 and melting point was found to be 241-243°C uncorrected. The infra red spectrum of compound V1 shows prominent peaks that corresponds to OHstr (3365cm-1) and C=0 (1652cm-1). The 1H NMR (400 MHZ) spectrum of compound V1 in DMSO-d6 displayed five singlet signals. It further showed a broad singlet at δ 5.58 integrated for 1 H is due to an olefinic H-atom adjacent to the carbonyl carbon atom. Three signals at δ 3.10` (d, J = 9.0 Hz, H-22), 3.59 (m, 1H, 2H-a) and 3.72 (m, 1H, 3H-e) each integrating for one proton is due to an oxymethine protons indicating that three oxymethine H-atoms were present in the compound. The 13C-NMR spectrum showed the presence of 27 Carbon atoms, suggesting that may be steroid skeleton and The DEPT-135 spectra showed the presence of five CH3, eight CH2, and seven CH groups, and seven quaternary C-atoms. The Molecular formula was established as C27H44O7 by HRES-MS positive ion mode m/z 481.3179. Based on the spectral analysis, the compound V1 is thus concluded to have ecdysteriod skeleton and conclusively conforms with 2β, 3β 14α, 20R, 22R, 25- hexahydroxy-5 β cholest-7-ene-6- one, commonly known as 20-hydroxyecdysone. This is the first time this compound was isolated from vitex doniana sweet.

Keywords: Vitex, Phytochemical, purification, isolation, chromatography, spectroscopy

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Working Mother Attitude and Practice of Exclusive Breast Feeding Pattern among Banker in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria

1 Ilori O.A 1Nupo S.S, 2Akinlotan J.V, 1Nupo O.A, & 3Adenekan M.K

1Nutrition and Dietetic Department Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Ojere, Abeokuta

2Department of Adult Education, University Of Ibadan

3Departmentof Food Technology, Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Ojere, Abeokuta


Infant nutrition determines the holistic development of the child. This study was carried out to assess the attitude of working mother towards exclusive breastfeeding. A structured questionnaire was administered to one thousand eligible working mothers in selected banks across Abeokuta metropolis Ogun state Nigeria. Data were collected using heightometer for measuring height, weighing scale for measuring weight and tape measure for measuring waist circumference. The result of the study showed that 23.8% of the respondents exclusively breastfed their babies, while 76.2% breast feed with both breast feeding and breast milk substitute. About 76.2% did not have enough time to breast feed their babies, 52.1% were not aware of the suggested health benefits of exclusive breastfeeding. The results of the body mass index of the subject reviewed that 12.4% were underweight (<18.5), 54.3% were normal (> 18.5 – 24.9), 25.1% were overweight (25.0 – 29.9), 5.2% were obese grade I (30.5 – 34.9), 1.3% were obese grade II (35.5 – 39.9). The rate of exclusive breast feeding was very low among the study group. Corporate organization should give appropriate time to the workers to exclusively breast feed their babies.

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The Effect of Noise Pollution on Human Cardiovascular System

Favour Chukumela Woko

Department of Integrated Science

Ignatius Ajuru University of Education Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt

Email: favourchukumelawoko@gmail.com


Noise pollution is a health hazard and induces both auditory and non-auditory effects. Extensive levels of noise are associated with a high risk of physiological changes such as hypertension, increased levels of heartbeat rate, peripheral vasoconstriction, and thus peripheral vascular resistance. Noise can trigger both endocrine and autonomic nervous system responses that in turn affect the cardiovascular system and maybe a high risk for the appearance of cardiovascular disease. This work provides a comprehensive review of the new evidence linking noise pollution to cardiovascular risk. It considers some fundamental issues concerning noise and its consequences on the cardiovascular system. Sleep deprivation or fragmentation is usually considered the most severe non-auditory effect of noise pollution, which in turn affects the cardiovascular system. Noise exposure is also associated with hypertension and consequently with other cardiovascular diseases, the results from the literature, however, are inconclusive. Noise pollution has many adverse effects on health and especially on the cardiovascular system. Understanding the harmful effects of noise pollution on cardiovascular health will help us to take all the appropriate measures to prevent or to reduce the possible health risks.

KeywordsNoise Pollution, Noise Exposure, Cardiovascular Risk, Hypertension, Sleep Deprivation

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Assessment of the Performance of Informal Land Delivery System in Karu Urban Area (Kua), Nigeria

Baba, Ezekiel Bahago, Abba, Mu’azu &   Maiyaki, Dele Jibrin …………………………………….. 1

The Application of Econometric Modelling to Real Estate Investment Decisions in the Economic Growth of Ikot Ekpene, Nigeria

Nissi Chicheta F. & Mbosowo Ebong Ekpo ……………………………………………….………15

Suitability of Maize Cob Ash as a Partial Replacement of Cement in Sandcrete Blocks

Anowai, S. I., Ishaya, A. A., Zakka, P. W., Yahaya, A. M. & Oyelade, O.M.…………25

An Industrialized Building System Approach to Housing Development in Nigeria

Adeagbo, Dorcas Omolola and Anigbogu Natalia, A…………………………………….31

Tree Planting   a Panacea for Sustainable Ecosystem and Livelihood

Sa’ad, Muhammad Hashidu & Adamu, Sani Jauro……………………………………….42

Examination Malpractice as a Malady to the Development of Educational Programmes in Nigeria

Adegbite, Peter Ibrahim…………………………………………………………………….49

Appraisal of Challenges of Stakeholders’ Management in Construction Projects in Nigeria

Yahaya M. B; Kasimu M. A; Shittu A. A&Saidui…………………….…………………54

Assessment of Surface Water Quality in Rivers and Ponds for Sustainable Irrigation Practice in Nigeria

Samaila Kunden Ishaya, Marcus Nengak Danjuma and Kwarfwang Kevin Jack……………………………………………………………………………………………66

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1Samaila Kunden Ishaya, 2 Marcus Nengak Danjuma &  3Kwarfwang Kevin Jack      

1Nasarawa State University Keffi   

3Plateau State University, Bokkos

Email: ikunden@yahoo.com


Nigeria is blessed with abundant surface water in rivers, streams, rivulets and ponds. However one of the greatest problems faced in the country is assessment of water quality from the numerous receiving surfaces for irrigation. This has resulted in the use of water likely to be injurious to the soils and plants, causing serious implications on the productive capacity of soils and the developmental processes of many crops. It is in this respect that this study undertook a review on assessment of water quality for irrigation and its application to Nigeria. The study used content analysis and reviewed relevant works on water quality for irrigation. The study examined major issues that affect the safety in the use of water for irrigation. These included issues associated to application of water high in salinity that may result in the built-up of salts in the soils, which cause difficulty in plants uptake of water a condition that causes plants to become stunted even when water is sufficient. High sodium ion in the irrigation water may raise exchangeable sodium percent in the soil and may impede the free flow of water and aeration in the soil thus interfering with normal developmental processes of many plants. Low or high pH in water affects the solubility of the soils and plants performance during irrigation. Other specific ion toxicity also have significant effect on water quality at levels that cause ailment to human health, for example the presence of trace elements in irrigation water can bio-amplify in due course within the food chain thus affecting the consumers of crops from such water. To use water wisely the study recommends that there is the need for intensive assessment of water quality for most surface sources and that research institutes be set in each state to monitor the quality of water to ensure standards recommended for a variety of uses are met.     

Keywords: Salinity, Sodicity, Toxicity, Assessment and Irrigation.