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Global Best Practices in Human Kinetics and Health Education: Focus on Teacher Preparation

Abdul Mohammed
Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education
Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai
Email: drabdulmohammed5@gmail.com


Most of us have a sense of what is best practice in learning and
teaching of Human Kinetics and Health Education, based on centuries of educational practice and research. Best practice remains however, elusive and dependent on contextual factors understood by individuals differently depending on their individual perspectives. This paper endeavors to look at the concept of best practices, Human Kinetics overview, skills required to become a Human Kinetics and Health Education Teacher, developing best practice and Human Kinetics and Health Education curriculum. It was concluded that, Human Kinetics and Health Education curriculum should be redesigned to promote active student-centered learning and also
empowering individuals to develop life-long skills. It was therefore recommended among other things that, Human Kinetics and Health Education Teachers should be trained on the use of instructional technology in the area of Human Kinetics to enable them to be effective in the teaching of the subject to the learners.

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Implementation of Digital Reference Services as a Tool for Social Justice in Judicial Libraries: Challenges and Strategies.

Envuluanza Magaji Agu & Evelyn Iroabuchi Enwerem
Library Department, National Judicial Library, Abuja
Library and Documentation Department, National Judicial Library, Abuja
magaji123456@gmail.com & eveybesty1@gmail.com


This surveyed the emergence of digital reference services and their benefits to the user community especially special libraries that deal with a specialized way of delivering information to their clientele as a result of the weakness of the traditional reference services. The study found that with digital reference services, the administration of justice will be very fast because judges and likewise lawyers can have information at their fingertips in various forms. However, it was revealed that there are hindrances associated with the implementation of digital reference services in judicial libraries after which strategies were highlighted to ensure proper implementation for better service delivery to the user community.
Keywords: Implementation; Digital Reference Services; Social Justice; Judicial Libraries: Challenges and Strategies.

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Student Behavioural Patterns and Counseling Intervention Services in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State

Onofiok, Blessing Wilson (Ph.D)
Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua, Ikot Ekpene
Email: blessingwilson20@gmail.com


The study ‘Student Behavioural Pattern and Counseling
Intervention Services’ was carried out in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State among counselors. The behavioural pattern mostly observed among students were anxiety problems, compulsive gambling, substance abuse, self-harm and raping behavioural pattern. A total of 20 counsellors were randomly selected in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State were used as respondent for the work, five research questions and hypothesis guided the study. A researcher made
instrument tagged counseling intervention services and student behavioural pattern questionnaire (CISABPQ) was used in gathering relevant data for the work, independent t-test was used in analyzing the data and all the variables selected for the study were highly significant, it was therefore recommended that because of the magnitude of the problems encountered by students in recent times, the government should recruit and send more counselors to the school to help the students in
tackling all these problems. KEY WORDS: Compulsive gambling, substance abuse, self-harm, anxiety problems, raping behavioural problems.

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Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies in Art Education: Through the use of Innovative Painting

Muktar Ahmed1 & Maigari Haruna Bello2
1Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Federal College of Education, Yola.
2Primary Education Department Nomadic, Federal College of Education, Yola.
Email: ahmedmuktar43@gmail.com, harunamaigari.hm@gmail.com


Art education for many years had been a source of concern in Nigeria
due to neglect. This neglect runs across the entire educational sector in the nation. “If a proper understanding of art education has been made and better instructions on art followed in our schools and colleges much would have been done to redeem the subject from the neglect it has always suffered in our society. Art is an important aspect of culture, social, economic, political and other aspects of society. Art students learn to
develop the necessary imaginative, intellectual, theoretical and practical skills to equip them for continuing personal development and professionalism. Art program which includes intensified student motivation to learn, better school attendance, increased transition rates, improved multicultural understanding and the development of advanced order thinking skills, creativity, and problem solving abilities. Some of the contemporary challenges of art education in Nigeria include Art
Curriculum Design and Implementations; Availability of Resource Persons; and Infrastructural facilities. Some recommendations are made The federal ministry of education should liaise with NDRC to develop Art Curriculum Design and Implementations that in-turned with the 21st century needs of the nation that will encourage more enrolment in art education. The government at all level of education should ensure that qualified arts resource persons are employed and retain to teach art education in the nation.Keywords: Effective Teaching, Learning Strategies, Art Education Innovative Painting.

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Perception on Impacts of Corrupt Practices on Sports Competitions among Technical & Administrative Staff in States Sports Councils in Nigeria

Administrative Staff in States Sports Councils in Nigeria
Dahiru Abdullahi Dan’asabe
Department Physical and Health Education,
Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria


Corruption is one the problems militating against smooth running of
public sector in which the sport sector is not an exemption. This study examined the perception on impacts of corrupt practices on sports competitions among technical and administrative staff in states sports councils in Nigeria. Descriptive survey research designed was used for this study. The population for this study cut across coaches, athletes, organizing secretaries and management staff of the State Sports Council in Nigeria. A self-developed questionnaire was pilot tested and found to be
reliable at r = 0.85. The data collected was statistically analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation to analyse the research questions and One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test the hypotheses generated for this study at 0.05 alpha levels. From the findings of the study, the mean scores of the research questions were higher than the acceptable level
of 3.5, that is f calculated < the critical values (F =3,399 >2.62). The null hypothesis was retained. The study therefore concluded that there was no significant difference among athletes, coaches, organizing secretaries and management staff in their perception on impact of corrupt practices on organization of Sports competitions by States Sports Councils in Nigeria. On the basis of these findings, the study recommended that to restore the integrity and the standard of sports competitions only people with proving integrity and technical knowhow should be allowed to serve as members of the organizing committee of sports competitions. Keywords: Perception, Corrupt Practices, Sports, Competitions, Technical & Administrative Staff

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Properties of Concrete Produced with a Blend of Groundnut Shell Ash and Periwinkle Shell Ash as a Binder, Partially Replacing Ordinary Portland Cement

I. M. Oyemogum; M. E. Gukas & E. E. Ekwueme
Department of Building
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
University of Jos, Nigeria


The current global issues of pollution, environmental degradation and global warming of which construction activities contribute a large percentage has become so serious that construction practices and materials are being reviewed to minimize the danger that could result from this. The use of renewable or waste materials for construction work will lessen energy consuming activities as well as allow for proper waste disposal. Groundnut shell and Periwinkle shell, as natural materials, are obtained as waste. Chemical analysis of Groundnut Shell Ash (GSA) and Periwinkle Shell Ash (PSA) was carried out and identified as having desirable pozzolanic and
cementitious properties. The study, therefore, investigated the effect of a
blend of Periwinkle Shell Ash (PSA) and Groundnut Shell Ash (GSA) as partial replacement for cement in concrete production. The Specimens were designed to attain to target strength of 20N/mm2. A concrete grade M20 with a mix of ratio 1:1.5:3 was used for this research work with the
introduction of GSA and PSA in 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% of the total weight
of the concrete constituents. The test cube specimens used in the research
was of 150mm moulds. Compressive strength was tested at 7, 14 and 28 days.The result obtained showed that optimal replacement level of 30% will
produce concrete with acceptable compressive strength. The study
concluded that a 30% blend of GSA and PSA content is suitable replacement
for cement in structural concrete

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Professionals’ Perception of the Challenges of Sustainability of Green Materials for Construction Projects in Abuja, Nigeria

Zubair Ahmed
Department of Quantity Surveying, School of Environmental Studies.
The Federal Polytechnic, Idah.
Email: zubairahmed6295@gmail.com.


The clamour for sustainable development and reduction of greenhouse gases led to the green concept which in recent times, has gained significant momentum. It is a well-known fact that housing play an essential role in the wellbeing of people because it is only place where people can fall back to relaxed and re – calibrated to put body and soul together. The purpose of this study was to investigate professionals’ perception on the challenges of sustainability of green materials for construction projects in FCT Abuja and to identify the challenges militating against green materials for construction projects. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information from various respondents who were construction professionals. The survey was conducted using random sampling techniques were used to select one hundred and twenty (120) respondents out of which (90) of them were suitable for analysis, which represent a potential responses rate of seventy five percent (75%) of the total. The data were analyzed using simple percentile and mean item score. The research shows that built environment professionals need more sensitization to
raise the level of awareness is recognized. The finding revealed that green
features lack of awareness, human neglect, limited accessibility to relevant
information, social economic influence, climatic and weather influence, client’s preference, non availability of local materials, no standard for structural control of the green building, lack of adequate knowledge and technical know –how by professionals to handle the job, lack of interest in sustainable building development. In conclusion, there is need to educating the relevant parties to raise awareness of the green concept is vital to overcoming several challenges in the dissemination of sustainable practice such as lack of awareness and knowledge of these methods.
Keywords: Green materials, Challenges, Construction projects.

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Territoriality and Territorial Conflict in North Central Nigeria: Implication for National Development

Adah, Paul Danladi & Joy Anwuli Jegede
Department of Urban and Regional Planning,
Federal Polytechnic, Idah. Kogi State
Email: adahproject@gmail.com


The research is on the concept of territoriality and
Territorial conflict in Nigeria; and its implications for national
development. The objective of the study is to examine the concept of
territoriality and its impacts on development. A qualitative approach was
adopted for the study. The data collected for the study were from
secondary sources and were analysed using content analysis. The finding of the study shows that the concept of territoriality has both positive and
negative tendencies. That conflict arises when a particular space (land) is
contested by an intruder laying claim to land and its resources. Resistance
in defence of the claim results in a dispute over territorial space. The
study shows that the impact of herdsmen’s activities inflicting injuries and
death is higher compared to other perpetrators of violent attacks. In
conclusion, no nation can develop in crisis and confusion; therefore, the
urban planning approach can be adopted in resolving the claim and
counterclaim through territorial planning. The secularity of Nigeria’s state
and federal system of government provides avenues for territorial
planning. The paper, therefore, recommends territorial planning in
resolving the conflict. Keywords: Conflict, Ethnic, Territorial, Territoriality, Territorial Planning and Nations Development

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Performance Evaluation of the Potentials of Volcanic Deposit (Biotite Granite Powder) as a Pozzolanic Material in Concrete.

Yahaya A. M.; Ishaya A. A.; Anowai S; Zakka P. W; Iwu V.; Pam M. &
Bwarak J. R
Department of Building
University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria


Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is one of the most consumed materials after water. It is used as the main binding material in construction industries across the globe. However, it is liable for carbon to CO2 emissions and so on. Besides it is one of the most energy intensive materials after aluminium and steel. This concern had since decades made esearchers to develop other types of cement particularly the pozzolanic Portland cement (PPC). The PPC are admixtures to Portland cement in concrete aimed at better performance in concrete. The research was
aimed at investigating the suitability of biotite granite as a pozzolana in concrete by evaluating the potential of the biotite granite deposit from Buji complex in Hwol Buji of Bassa LGA Plateau state, Nigeria. The objective of the research looks at the chemical and physical properties of the volcanic deposit in view of variations between the OPC and the volcanic deposit. It also evaluated the workability and soundness of the volcanic deposit/cement. The work was concluded by evaluating the pozzolanic activity index of the volcanic deposit with cement by investigating the compressive strength of the hardened concrete produced with the partial replacement of OPC with biotite granite powder. The chemical properties of the material were determined by Energy Dispersive X-Ray
Fluorescence (EDXRF) technique. Lech atelier method was used to determine the soundness of cement paste containing the volcanic deposits; the characteristics of concrete made with the materials in partial replacement of OPC in the concrete samples were also evaluated. A standard mix proportion of 1:2:4 was adopted and water cement ratio kept constant at 0.53 for all the concrete mixes. A total of 54 cubes of 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm were produced with 15%, 20%, 30% and 50%
of OPC/BGP respectively. Compressive strength test was performed on the
samples at 7, 14 and 28 days of curing in water. The results of the chemical analysis showed major and minor oxides of the volcanic deposit. The properties of biotite granite powder evaluated showed substantial presence of the oxides of silica, aluminium and iron with SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 content of 90.65% by weight. The findings also showed that the material is free from carbon materials; the minor oxides identified summed up to 0.34% in value. It has a specific gravity of 2.71 and a Pozzolanic Activity Index with Portland cement of 77%. The result of soundness test was 0.82 mm expansion. The work shows that compressive strength of 84.3%,

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Oshin, Ola Austin
Department of Electrical Electronics Engineering
Elizade University, Ilara-Mokin, Ondo State


The progress and prosperity of any nation depends on the amount of electrical energy consumed in the country. African countries produce and consume the lowest amount of electricity in the world. This has led to the present incessant, unstable and unreliable power supply system in African Countries which has grounded many activities and has destroyed many industrial processes. This has also increased unemployment rate and increase crime rates in the continents. Hence, there is urgent need to establish an alternative Renewable Hybrid Power Supply System which will
provide continuous, reliable and effective power supply using advance control algorithm and Maximum Power Tracking Techniques. In order to satisfy the high energy demand in residential and industrial environments, electrical energy should be reliable, affordable, effective, and sustainable. Therefore, in this research work, feasibility assessment of the study area (Iseyin Community in Oyo State, Nigeria) for the establishment of Hybrid Power System (HPS) was carried out. The operating parameters and performances of the components of the Hybrid Power System were
evaluated and the HPS Simulink models were developed using MATLAB/Simulink 8.1064 (2020a) version software. The Hybrid Power System Model (HPSM) developed comprises of Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) and Diesel Generator (DG) Models. Simulation of all the developed Simulink models were carried out. The optimization process was carried out using Optimum Power Point Tracking (OPPT) Techniques and Genetic Algorithms (G.A). Design processes and control algorithms were established for the production of reliable and efficient output power from the
Hybrid Power System. The need for effective and reliable power supply under the events of faults and variation of loads necessitated the need for the establishment of MPPT Techniques and Control algorithms for the HPS. The MPPT techniques and control algorithms developed in this research work provided high stability and reliability even in the events of faults and variation of loads. The Simulink and validation results obtained made it possible to generate and supply continuous, reliable, effective and stable electrical power to the consumers. Finally, the developed HPS model in this research work was found to be very useful for the establishment of
Hybrid Power Plants and generation of continuous, stable and reliable electric power for the consumers.