Category Archives: International Journal of Management Studies, Business and Entrepreneurship Research 2018

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Joseph M. Ibbih & Alaku David Stephen

Department of Economics, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nasarawa State

Department of Economics, Federal University Lafia, Nasarawa State



The research study investigates the role of banks in growing SMEs in Nigeria. The purpose of this study is to know how SMEs can grow through the intervention of the formal sector financing. The hypothesis of the study is to know if there is a relationship between financial loan disbursement to SMEs and the SMEG in Nigeria. Quantitative research design was adopted and the population of the study is the entire SMEs and the banks in Nasarawa State. Questionnaires, telephone interviews and emails were used as primary instrument for data collection. Cluster and judgmental sampling technique was used in selecting sample. Journals, annual reports, NBS reports, CBN reports and SMEDAN reports were used as secondary instrument for data collection. 90 questionnaires were administered but 80 were returned, 10 questionnaires could not be recovered. Tables and sample percentage were used in primary data presentation. Regression analysis was employed in testing the results obtained in both primary and secondary instruments. Two hypotheses were formulated to know if there is correlation between them.  The finding reveals that there is a positive correlation between formal financial loan disbursement to SMEs and SMEG. The multicolinearity test shown there is no multicollinearity existing between financial loan duration and SMEG and also there is no heteroskedasticity in the variables. The jarque – Bera test shown there is an error term in the normal distribution of financial loan disbursement. The findings from the analysis made shown there is a positive relationship between the financial loan disbursement and SMEs growth, a positive relationship between loan duration and SMEs growth. Also there is a negative relationship between interest rate and SMEs growth, and finally a negative relationship between collateral security and SME growth. Based on the findings, it was recommended that; the apex bank should mandate banks on the amount to be issued out as loans to SMEs, there is need to apply a monetary policy measure to control interest rate to one digit to favour the SMEs operation, the collateral security should be reduce to single digit percentage to enhance investment and finally banks should endeavour to increase their loans duration to ten years and above to encourage investment. The financial institution needs to put in more effort in financing SMEs, as their role need to be felt by the SMEs in terms of growth and development.

Keywords: banks, financial loan disbursement, interest rate, loan, enterprises, SMEs, SMEG, economic growth, loan duration.

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Prince Awojoodu Soji

Department of Computer Science and Mathematics

Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, P.M.B. 5533, Ile – Ife, Osun State, Nigeria



This research work was carried out, to know the importance of Network Systems in Osun State.  4 Local governments, namely: (Ife East, Ife South, Ife Central and Ife North), local government areas were sampled.   4,800 open questionnaires were distributed to the 4 Local Governments, out of which 1,200 was used in each local government. A total of 48 different locations were visited and sampled in all the four Local Governments, out of which 100 questionnaires were used in each location.  It was gathered that above 75% of the people supported, that  network systems was important in Osun State, while less than 25% of the people could not even understand whether network systems was important or not.   The results from the questionnaires when using Pearson one-tailed correlation coefficient, however revealed that there was no significant difference from all the business centre visited and sampled, (p < 0.01) table 5.  This shows a strong positive correlation,  which implying that, computer network systems is strongly influenced and enhanced people’s support,  from the four local government areas of Osun State Nigeria, and therefore had made the research work to become a reality, (p < 0.01) table  5.  The reasons may be due to the fact that in public domain, computer network systems was not only  aiding  the sharing of information between libraries, government officers, police department, hospitals, practitioners  and institution etc; but, it enabled an ease flowing and or the sharing of information and communication processes. Which enabled a combination of one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many communications, to established over the global networks.   Histogram with curve was used to depict the summary data of each of the local government areas sampled in Ile – Ife of Osun State, Nigeria.

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Ayogu, Deborah Uche

Department of Business Administration

College of Management Sciences

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State



This study examined the impact of employee commitment on organizational performance of selected fast food in Umuahia. The researcher adopted the survey research design which suits the research due its descriptive nature. Both primary and secondary source of data were utilized in gathering the information relevant for this work. A total number of eighty-eight (88) questionnaire were issued out by the researcher to the staff of selected fast foods in Umuahia. Test-Retest reliability was used and computed through Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.0. This research work made use of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, descriptive statistics used included table, frequency, percentages, mean, etc. while the inferential statistics that was used was simple regression . The result of the regression analysis. The coefficient of employee commitments was positive and significant at 1%. The p-values of employee commitments was 0.0064 and 0.0000 was less than the t-statistic value of 2.799 and 9.084 and  the standard error value of 0.0785 and 0.0782 was less than the t-statistic value respectively. The adjusted R2 0.67 or 67% which revealed that the variables in the equation jointly explained 67% of the variations in the equation while the remaining 33% is explained by other variables not included in the equation.  In other words, the R-square value of 67% expresses the percentage effect of employee commitment on the organizational profitability therefore rejected the null hypothesis because there was a significant effect on employee commitment on organizational profitability. The findings indicated that (i) there was a significant relationship between employee commitments and organizational profitability. This finding was sequel to the analysis done in table 3.4 were The p-values of managerial skills was 0.0064 and 0.0000 was less than the t-statistic value of 2.799 and 9.084 and  the standard error value of 0.0785 and 0.0782 was less than the t-statistic value respectively. The adjusted R2 0.67 or 67% which revealed that the variables in the equation jointly explained 67% of the variations in the equation. (ii) There was a significant relationship between employee commitments and organizational growth. This finding was sequel to the result of the above 3.10g analysis revealed that the calculated t-value of 20.995 was greater than the table value (-3.169), therefore, the null (H0) hypothesis was rejected, while the alternatives hypothesis (H1) accepted. There was a significant relationship between employee commitments and organizational growth.

Keyword: Employees’ Commitment, Organizational Effectiveness, Sustained Productivity.

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*Edward Kuruku & Helen Chinelo Ogwuche

Department of Psychology

Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria


Corresponding author*


Leadership is the most essential and vital component of every organisation and the society at large. No organisation or government succeeds, without a good leadership style. Most organizations and indeed governments have collapsed, over the years due to poor leadership style. The objective of this paper is to critically appraise the concept of leadership and its styles in Nigerian industrial organizations and the larger Nigerian society. This is with a view to identifying the best leadership style that would solve the mirage of leadership crises bedeviling the country both at organizational level and the government at large. The paper reflects on the different leadership styles like democratic, autocratic and laisser-faire, in relation to performance and productivity in governance and organizational effectiveness, for sustainable national development. The paper argues that democratic style of leadership remains the best and viable leadership style that would drive the economy of the Nigerian State. The country has suffered leadership crises arising from poor leadership style, corruption among others which have affected all sectors of the Nigerian economy and sustainable national development. These leadership crises could be seen in the various constitutional amendments and changes of government, from 1966-1999 when democratic governance resonated with president Obasanjo’s Presidency. Having critically appraised the leadership question in Nigeria holistically, the paper recommends among other measures, a re-orientation and attitude change towards public service for improved performance and productivity.

Keywords: Leadership, Leadership style, Democratic, Autocratic, Liaises faire, governance, performance.

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Otusanya Olatunde Julius1, Anani Sunday Koukoudjoe2, Fakile Oluwaseye Grace3

1,2Department of Accounting, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria

3Department of Accounting, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria


Corresponding author: Fakile Oluwaseye Grace


The study was carried out to determine if the adoption of the international accounting standard which is considered to be a major change in the financial reporting environment has made shareholders of companies to show more interest in reading, having proper understanding of, and using the corporate annual reports in the IFRS era. A survey research design was adopted and with the aid of a questionnaire, data was gathered from one hundred and ten shareholders of companies. Levene’s test was used to test the formulated hypotheses. It was concluded that shareholders understand the report except the Notes to the accounts and the Statement of Changes in Equity which a high percentage of shareholders find difficult to understand. The study recommended that the corporate annual report should be made more understandable to users who are without specialist knowledge of accounting standards used in preparing and explaining the financial statements in the corporate annual reports of companies

Keyword: Shareholders’ interest, annual report, Post-IFRS