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Agada David Ojochogwu1*, Omale David1, Nurudeen Raimi2 &Abimbola Olanrewaju Michael3

1Department of Mathematical Science, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria

2Department of Physics, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria

3Department of Mathematics Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria

*Email: agadadavido2@gmail.com


Mathematical models have been used to provide an explicit framework for understanding malaria transmission dynamics in human population for over 100 years, with the disease still thriving and threatening to be a major source of death and disability due to changed environmental and socio- economic conditions. In recent years, many more of the numerical methods were used to solve a wide range of mathematical, physical, and engineering problems both linear and non-linear. In this work, we used the Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM) to obtain the analytic solution of the differential equations of the (SIR-SI) mathematical model and we apply the Bellman and Cooke’s theorem of stability to verify the stability of the model at equilibrium state. This work confirms the power, simplicity and efficacy of the method, also this method is a suitable method for solving any partial differential equations or system of partial differential equations as well.

Definition of Variables S = Susceptible human                I = Infected human          R = Recovered human/Removed human Iv = Infected vector                   π= human birth rate           λ= vector birth rate = Contact rate                        =Natural death rate         = Death rate due to disease = Transmission rate between susceptible vector and infected human ω = Transmission rate between susceptible vector and infected human  

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Category : Uncategorized

1Mulkah, A. Ahmed;1 duke, R. Ahmed; 2Mathew, B.Aledare;3Mohammed, Rihanat Ono&4komolafe, Margaret Oluwemimo

2Department of Integrated Science,1Kogi State College of Education, Ankpa

3&4Kogi State College of Education Technical, Kabba

Email: matthewaledare44@gmail


The insecurity challenge in Nigeria has assumed a formidable dimension that not only requires a multi-stakeholder approach, as it is being touted in various quarters, in quelling this conflagration threatening Nigeria’s statehood, but also necessitates a revival and reinforcement of Ethics of Science Education and virtues. In addition, the democratic system in place must begin to deliver the needed social goods so as to improve the standard of living of Nigerians and deliver many citizens from the state of absolute poverty to which they have been subjected for a long while. The thirst for blood and the preference for violence in expressing pent-up frustration and disenchantment with the state, its citizens and national totems may be a pointer to the need to inculcate science education as core in all human endeavor, particularly to revive the moral sanctity, values and virtues within the socioeconomic, political, religious and that science education should be entrenched in the school curriculum and made compulsory from the basic education level in Nigeria.

Keywords: Insecurity, Science, Education, Ethno-religious

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Solomon Michael Ojo1, Afeez Olalekan Sanni 2, Taiwo Rotimi Ebenezer3

1Department of Quantity Surveying, Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta, Ogun State,

2Department of Quantity Surveying, The Bells University of Technology, Ota, Ogun State,

3Department of Quantity Surveying, Ministry of Housing, Oke-Moson, Ogun State,



The need to ensure economical and transparent cost delivery of construction project is a major challenge in the construction industry.  This study addressed this challenge by postulating a framework for carrying out forensic analysis of post contract construction cost (FAPCCC). The study identified the rightful initiator(s) of FAPCCC, identified and evaluated the prerequistes that necessitates FAPCCC, validated procedure for carrying out FAPCCC and postulated a procedural framework for carrying out FAPCCC.Quantitative methodology was adopted. Structured questionnairerandomly distributed using google form to various categories of Qunatity Surveyors targetingthe six geopolitical zones of Nigeria via online due to Covid-19 pandemic,formed the basis for data collection. Forty-five (45) responded and the obtained data presented in tables,were analysed using frequency distribution and percentage. Analysed data were discussed in comparison with extant literature and conclusion drawn. The findings of the study revealed that the client, project manager and project financier like Tetfund could initiates FAPCCC. Prerequisties for FAPCCC include suspected fraud, suspected collusion and final account excceded the initial budget without increase in scope of project, Timing for FAPCCC is dependent on each initiator but most respondents forty-one (41) out of forty-five (45) favoured carryong out FAPCCC after each interim valuation by consultant Quantity Surveying firms. Possible stages in carrying out FAPCCC were identifies and validated through the repsonses obtained from the target population. A flexible payment method (negotiation) proved to be most preferred as payment approach to forensic analysts and culprits should be responsible for the payment. The study concluded that the FAPCCC clause should be included in letter of commisioning of consultants and award letter to the contractor to discourage illegal activities that undermine financial probity of construction projects. The postulated framework would guide engaged professional Quantity Surveyors to carry out effective FAPCCC.

Keywords:construction cost, construction project, forensicframework, post contract


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1Effiong, E. E.,2Ubong U. I.,&3Ogbuji, S. I.

1&2Institute of Geosciences and Environmental Management, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt.

3 Dept. of Geography and Environmental Management, Imo State University Owerri.Email: sogbujiic@yahoo.com


This study examined the physic-chemical characteristics of water from boreholes in secondary schools in Port Harcourt Metropolis in order to determine the suitability of such water for human consumption. Analysis of the water quality parameters were conducted and compared with World Health organization standards (WHO, 2006), to know if the water meets the standards stipulated. Some of the parameters examined include pH, total dissolved solid, total suspended solid, chlorine, conductivity among others. All reagents procured for the analysis were of analytical grade quality. The result indicates that most of physical parameters were within the WHO standards for drinking water except temperature while the chemical parameters pH, lead, phosphate and nitrate among others are also within the WHO tolerable limits. But the overall Water Quality Index (QWI) which took care of the characteristics of water as a whole instead of dealing with standards only indicates that the sampled borehole water ispolluted calculated value being higher than the critical value of 0.1. The study recommended among others that regular monitoring of borehole water is very important, since the area is prone to pollution due to crude oil exploration.

Keywords: Assessment, Physicochemical Characteristics, Borehole, Water Quality, Port Harcourt Metropolis

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Sheyin E.A1, Kanai E. T1., &DaudaLa’ah

School of Agricultural Technology

NuhuBamalli Polytechnic Zaria


This paper analyze the factors affecting the profitability of catfish in Kaduna Metropolis.  First, the study described the socio-economic characteristics of catfish farmers. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, multiple regression and gross margin. The result showresults showed males (63.3%) are actively involved in fish farming than the females (36.7%). The result further indicated that the majority (80%) of the respondents are learned and educated as most of them had attended tertiary education. The results of the multiple regression model show that five (5) out of the seven (7) independent variables were positively related to the dependent variable (viability and profitability of catfish farmers). And four (4) variables; variable inputs, the amount invested, source of credit, nearness to the market were statistically significant at 5%.In estimating the cost and returns of catfish farmers, the results show that catfish farming is profitable and therefore a viable enterprise. The majority of the farmers make on average a gross margin of ₦719,232. Also, 70% of the farmers made a profit; only 30% of the farmer did not make profit because of the high total fixed cost. Therefore, it is recommended that the government should provide infrastructural facilities, such as electricity, dams, good roads, and an enabling environment for fish farmers and commercials banks should lower their interest’s rates to fish farmers or would be fish farmers in order to boost fish farming.

Keywords. Factors, Profitability, Metropolis, Viability, Gross margin

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Goluwa, Shadrack Ezekiel & Jimmy, Vincent Gambo

Department of Economics

Plateau State University Bokkos

Email: vincentgambo@gmail.com


The paper attempts to expound on an Assessment of Foreign Direct Investment on Employment Generation in Nigeria(2000-2020). The differenced Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method was used after it was discovered that there was no cointegration in the model. The findings of the study reveal that Foreign Direct Investment contributes positively to Employment significantly. The study concluded that a considerable level growth has been achieved as a result of the contribution of Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria. The study recommended that Government should intensify efforts in fighting insecurity in order to create a safe environment for foreign investors to make investments in Nigeria. Another recommendation is that there is the need for the government to come up with policies that will make the macroeconomic environment more conducive and competitive. This will create an enabling environment for foreigners to continue investing and increase their participation in the Nigerian economy.

Key words:Foreign Direct Investment, Employment.

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Pokubo, Innah M.

Department of Marketing

School of Business and Administrative Studies

Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic, Rumuola, Port Harcourt


ABSTRACT: This study focused examining the influence of GSCM practices on stakeholders’ satisfaction. The study adopted green purchasing, eco-design, reverse logistics and green training as proxies of GSCM practices, while stakeholders’ satisfaction was treated unidimensionally. A descriptive design was adopted.  Primary data collected from thirty-six (36) managers consisting procurement, inventory, warehousing, quality control, community relations, and logistics managers from six (6) major oil marketers was used for data analysis. A structured questionnaire designed in a five-point Likert was used to collect primary data. The validity of the instrument was attained by adapting existing scales; and through the opinion of experts in supply chain management and measurement and evaluation; while its internal consistency was determined via the Cronbach’s Alpha test, with a threshold of 0.70 criterion. The multiple regression served as the test statistic. The study found that GSCM practiceshave strong positive influence on stakeholders’ satisfaction. The study also found that green training had the highest beta contribution of 0.878 to stakeholder satisfaction, followed by green purchasing with a beta contribution of 0.771, reverse logistics came third beta with 0.516; while eco-design came last with a beta contribution of -0.569. The study concludes that GSCM practices (green training, green purchasing, reverse logistics and eco-design) of major oil marketers in South-south Nigeria predicts stakeholders’ satisfaction. The study thus, recommends that major oil marketers in South-south Nigeria that seek to deliver satisfaction to stakeholders; or desire to improve stakeholders’ satisfaction should implement green training, green purchasing, reverse logistics and eco-design, all of which position them as eco-friendly market operators, to endear themselves to stakeholders and elicit their support and cooperation.

Keyword: Eco-design, green supply chain management practices, green purchasing, green purchasing training, reverse logistics, stakeholders’ satisfaction

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1Mulkah A. Ahmed; 2Mathew, Bolaji Aledare,3Ibrahim Aliyu Aminu &4Meliga Salifu

1Department of Science Education, University of Ilorin, Ilorin

2Department of Integrated Science, Kogi State College of Education, Ankpa,

3& 4Department of Biology Education, Kogi State College of Education, Ankpa

Email: ahmed.ma@unilorin.edu.ng&matthewaledare44@gmail.com


Biology education is the key to the development of any nation. Societal welfare and economic empowerment are paramount important in national development objectives of any nation and the level of sustainable development of any human society is directly dependent on the quality of science education learned and applied by the citizenry. The purpose of this paper is to examine the involvement of biology education in promoting sustainable development and insecurity challenges. The paper considers the concept of education and biology education as a tool for achieving sustainable development in Nigeria. It also talks about the facets of development that can be sustained through biology education which include, peaceful co-existence, research, agriculture, poverty alleviation, rural development, health and nutrition. In conclusion, the paper observed that to make science education a tool for sustainable development in Nigeria, content, teacher education, and curriculum materials should be given special attention. The paper also suggested that, citizens should develop a sense of patriotism that is to put the country above any selfish interest capable of destroying peace and harmony in the country and the teaching of biology education in all our schools should facilitate new culture of politics which make for tolerance, and political accommodation among the political class. This would enhance the survival of democracy in the country.

Keywords: Biology Education, Sustainability, Development, Nigeria, Insecurity

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Nweke, Emmanuel Onyekachi & Faith Adanne Onuekwa

Department of Office Technology and Management

Capt. Elechi Amadi Polytechnic, Rumuola, Port Harcourt, Rivers State

E-mail: emy1242000@yahoo.com


The study investigated digital records and administration of educational tertiary institutions in Rivers State. The research design adopted for this study was correlational design. The population of the study consisted of 274 and 548 administrative staff in educational tertiary institutions in Rivers State. A sample size of 391 following stratified sampling technique a in which 17 respondents were chosen from each of tertiary institutions in Rivers State.  Out of the 391copies of questionnaires distributed, 350 or 92% were duly completed and returned.  The study therefore based its analysis on the returned copies of questionnaire. Two sets of questionnaires were distributed to the two sets of respondents (principals and administrative staff). The questionnaire was titled: ‘Digital Records and Tertiary Institutions Administration in Rivers State’ (DRSSAPRV). The modified four point Likert Scale of Strongly Agree (SA) -4 points Agree (A) – 3 points, Disagree (D) -2 points and Strongly Disagree (SD)- 1 point with the total number of twelve (12) items in the questionnaire. The reliability of the instrument was done using Crombach Alpha (SPSS) version 23) and obtained .911>.71 which showed that the instrument was highly reliable. The method of analysis used for the study was Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient used in testing the three hypotheses at .05 significance level, while mean and standard deviation was used in answering the research questions. The findings of the study showed that there is very minimal digital recordssystem in public secondary in Rivers State.  The study recommended that educational tertiary institutions in Rivers State should be equipped with e-facilities and the staff trained for the use of such facilities for administration of educational tertiary institutions in Rivers State.

Key Words: Digital records, Administration, Educational tertiary Institutions, Rivers State

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OkechukwuObediahChukwuka&Uganneya, Solomon Achia

Department of Library and Information Sciences, Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa

University Librarian, Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi

obedex4real2002@yahoo.com; solomonachia@gmail.com


From a conceptual research perspective this paper discussed information dissemination in contemporary era: tools and method deployable. The concept of information dissemination and contemporary are defined Importance of information dissemination highlighted as well as the technology and techniques deployed to disseminate information in the 21st century information environment. The paper further discussed online public Access catalog (OPAC), personal speed, short massage services (SMS), social media network among other techniques used to disseminate information in the contemporary era. The requirements for effective information dissemination in a mobile based library environment were also highlighted. The paper finally provided various advantages and challenges of deploying technologiesin disseminating information in the contemporary era. The paper recommended that libraries/information managers should deploy various information techniques to provide services to diversity of their system users.