Entrepreneurship in Science Education as Panacea to Nigeria’s Development in the 21st Century

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Entrepreneurship in Science Education as Panacea to Nigeria’s Development in the 21st Century

1 Mathew, B. A.; 2 Olorundare, J. & 3 Laniyan, B. E.

1Department of Integrated Science, Kogi State College of Education, Ankpa, Nigeria

2 &3 Department of Geography, Kogi State College of Education, Ankpa, Nigeria

E-mail: matthewaledare44@gmail.com

Corresponding Author: Mathew, B. A.


This paper discusses entrepreneurship in Science education as a panacea to Nigeria’s development in the 21st century. Entrepreneurship in Science education deals with acquisition of skills and self dependence of students who pass through such programmes. This paper opens various avenues that are far reaching to the opportunities available in science education. Some of the recommendations are that an entrepreneurship clubs (horticulture, floriculture, and aquaculture) should be organized and encouraged in science education departments so as to popularize entrepreneurship education; students should be taken out for field trips to various industries, factories, companies and related areas of interests. This will offer them opportunity to see and observe things which they did not have in their school’s workshops and laboratories.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Science Education, Nigeria’s Development