Mathematical Models for Monitoring Diabetic Population with Minor and Major Complications

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Mathematical Models for Monitoring Diabetic Population with Minor and Major Complications

Goni Umar Modu, Muktar Modu & Modu Mohammed
Department of Statistics

Ramat Polytechnic, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria



Mathematical model for monitoring diabetic populations with minor and major complications are developed and analyzed in this work. The equilibrium point of the system is shown to be globally asymptotically stable (GAS) using direct Lyapunov method. Some numerical simulations are carried out to demonstrate the analytical results. It is found that the prevalence/incidence of diabetes is on the rise. Our results are effective in monitoring diabetic populations with minor and major complications. The model can be used to monitor global diabetic populations over time.

Keywords: Diabetes, Model, Complication, Global stability.