The Challenges of Anatomy Education among Medical Students in Nigeria

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The Challenges of Anatomy Education among Medical Students in Nigeria

S. G. Obaje1; A.O. Egwu2; G. G. Akunna3; G.C. Uzomba4 and I.G. Itoro5

      Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences

Federal University Ndufu Alike Ikwo, Abakaliki, Eboniyi State, Nigeria



Until recently, the failure rates of anatomy education across Nigerian universities received huge attention from the higher authorities and solution to this medical challenge is required. The aim of the study investigated the anatomy challenges among medical students in Nigeria. A total of 300 self administered questionnaires, 20 were pretested and noticeable suggestions from respondents were put into consideration. Informed consent was read and signed by the participants before the study. This study was conducted from Nov.2015 to Sept. 2016 on 200, 300 and 400L of anatomy, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences (FBMS), Federal Universality Ndufu Alike Ikwo, Abakaliki Ebonyi State, Nigeria. About 2% of the students actually applied through Joint Admission Matriculation Board, the organ of admissions to universities to study anatomy, the reasons given were: 75% students believed MBBS have societal respect than anatomy. 20.7% of the students agreed to continue anatomy education after 1st degree. While 90.3% of the students blamed federal government for poor interest in anatomy education, 48.3% of the students reasoned that anatomy is not lucrative. Also, 52.3% of the students wanted academic year of anatomy education be increased, reason given that quality time to professionalized the program. Anatomy education in Nigeria is met with serious challenges ranging from poor teaching, lack of zeal for anatomy education and unemployment among the degree holders of anatomy. Hence, the continuity of anatomy education in Nigeria would be difficult across universities if urgent action is not taking.