Water Security and Groundwater Accessibility in Bagwai and Shanono LGAs of Kano State, Nigeria

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Water Security and Groundwater Accessibility in Bagwai and Shanono LGAs of Kano State, Nigeria

1Amir Abdulazeez*, 2 Garba K/Naisa Adamu, 3Atiku A. Ahmed and 4Faiz T. Isma’il

1&2 Department of Geography & Regional Planning, Federal University, Dutsinma, Nigeria

3 PhD Candidate, Department of Civil Engineering, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria

4 School of Languages, Federal College of Education, Kano

*Email: abdulazeezamir@hotmail.com


The Watari region which covers both Bagwai and Shanono among six other local government areas in Kano State is one of the places with the highest availability of both surface and groundwater resources in the state. However, the condition of supply and accessibility particularly in the research’s study area is not in conformity with availability. The research used interviews with relevant stakeholders and questionnaire survey for residents to determine domestic water sources and the condition of groundwater and other sources supply, accessibility and security in Bagwai and Shanono Local Governments in Kano State. Borehole yield per minute was also measured. Existing researches on groundwater potential of the area and Kano State as a whole from WRECA, KNARDA and H-JRBDA were studied as well as some GIS-based groundwater assessment researches conducted in the area. The research found out that groundwater potential does not correspond to supply in most of the villages. Water in terms of availability, accessibility and quality was found to be inadequate in most of the villages studied leading the residents to be water insecure.The research recommended the provision of sustainable pipe borne water through the Watari Dam to ameliorate the sufferings of the people in the areas and to ease the pressure on groundwater resources and create room for replenishment in few years.

Keywords: Water Sources, Water Security, Groundwater, Water Supply, Water Accessibility