Influence of Talent Management on Staff Retention and Banking Performance

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Influence of Talent Management on Staff Retention and Banking Performance

Sunday Moses Okebaram, Ph.D & Amobi Ubabuike Maxwell, Ph.D

Department of Business Administration,

Micheal Okpara University of Agriculture University, Umudike

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This study focuses on the influence of talent management on staff retention and performance. The key objective sought on this study is to investigate the extent talent management influence staff retention and banking performance. Descriptive survey design was adopted where questionnaire was the key instrument for data collection. A sample of 403 staff and management of 10 selected commercial banks was randomly selected.  The study discovered that to a large extent talent management through culture transformation and strategic intervention exert significance influence on staff retention and that to a large extent work environment level influence employee talent and retention. It was equally found that to a large extent talent management influence work-life balance andretention. Finally, talent management significantly influences staff retention in the banking industry. The study recommended that they should implement good benchmark system and effective retention tactics to curtail the unnecessary layoffs and incessant exit of staff. Also the organization should endeavour to build adequate reward strategy that will be supported by a vibrant leader who can move the organization to the next level and sustain their potential for growth.

Keywords: Talent, Talent challenges, Talent Management, Staff Retention, Performance