Teenage Pregnancy: The Bane of Girl Child Education

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Teenage Pregnancy: The Bane of Girl Child Education

John Ishaku & Sabina Anthony Dingba

Department of Christian Religious Studies, Kaduna State University

Department of Home Economics, College of Education, Akwanga, Email:johnishaku73@gmail.com

Corresponding Author: John Ishaku


The girl child needs education in order to prepare her in life on how to keep herself clean and to be discipline by giving respect to him who respect is due. Also, the girl child needs the western education in order to acquire knowledge and skills and that will make her to help herself, her children and her husband, and to contribute so greatly to the development of her nation socially, politically, economically and morally, but one of the factors that have challenged the effect of the girl child education negatively is the teenage pregnancy which can lead to the girl child’s withdrawal from her studies which has adverse effects on her life.