Household Economic Strategies and Healthcare-Seeking Behaviour in Rural Akoko Communities of Ondo State, Nigeria

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Household Economic Strategies and Healthcare-Seeking Behaviour in Rural Akoko Communities of Ondo State, Nigeria

Raymond Kayode Kuteyi 

Department Archaeology and Anthropology

University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria



Household economic strategies has been identified as crucial in healthcare-seeking behaviour; yet little has been done to examine how household economic strategies predispose rural dwellers to healthcare challenges. Inspite of policies and programmes designed to improve healthcare-seeking behaviour of rural dwellers; they are yet to be secured health wise. This study investigated household production and consumption strategies and their implications for choice and utilization of healthcare resources. Through qualitative and descriptive ethnography, Key Informant Interview (KII), Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and the textual analysis of documents, our study seeks to establish that production and consumption strategies are principles that make household economic activities more tasking and complex; and also make economic relationships intricate in rural Akoko communities. It therefore limits available time to seek quality western healthcare, thus making people rely more on traditional healthcare and home remedies. Rural Akoko people preferred traditional healthcare and home remedies which allow them have more time for household economic activities. Rural Akoko people devoted more attention to work than healthcare. They seek western healthcare at advanced stages of illnesses, resulting in various health and healthcare insecurities. The production and consumption strategies adopted in the household economic system of rural Akoko communities have a strong influence in determining the choice and utilization of healthcare resources. The interface between household economic strategies and healthcare-seeking behaviour in rural communities therefore deserves more attention in order to aid the formulation of policy for health interventions. This will reduce health and healthcare insecurities in rural communities.

Keywords: Household, Economic, Strategies, Healthcare, Rural, Akoko