The Role of Christian Women as Peace Makers in the Home: A Biblical Study of Abigail

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The Role of Christian Women as Peace Makers in the Home: A Biblical Study of Abigail

Abodunrin Adeniyi Olufemi

Department of Christian Religious Studies

College of Humanities

Redeemer’s University-Ede, Osun State


Women are different from men. The much publicised gender equality notwithstanding women should be proud of their different roles in their homes. Since women are regarded as traditional home keeper, prayer warrior, teaching children, spiritually gifted and financial supporter to the family. This paper therefore, focuses on the important parts being played by Christian women in the home. It proceeds to discussing the significant role of a particular women in the Bible, who saved her family from destruction and that is Abigail in the Old Testament. The supreme dignity of human being is expressed in the concept that men/women are “created in the image of God”. This is immediately related to both male and female (Gen. 1:27). They are both the image of God. Apparently speaking, both man and woman are created by God. It was a woman that was taken from the side of Adam to be suitable mate, as Adam was made first. God created the woman as the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a helper suitable for him” (Gen 2: 18). This is more than being an assistant. However, being a “helper” does not imply that the women was inferior or subservient to the man, the same Hebrew word ˋezer translated as “helper” means is a co-worker and is used to describe God, Himself in Psalms 33:20, 70:5, 115:9-11. This image of Abigail is further supported by many Christian women in our contemporary time. When a house hold occupies the preeminent place in society, women have a strong role in decision making and consequently exercise considerable power in the household. This is especially true for complex household such as Abigail the extended or multiple – family units that made up a significant number of domestic compounds in Israelites villages. No doubt this was true of Nabal’s household. Because of his wealth, his home was most likely quite complex, probably more likely a compound.Keywords: Christian Women, Peace Maker, Abigael and Feminism