Effective Communication and Quality Management Strategies as a way of Curbing Challenges of Economic Recession in Nigeria

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Effective Communication and Quality Management Strategies as a way of Curbing Challenges of Economic Recession in Nigeria

Marythecla Nnesochi Igono

Department of Business Education

School of Vocational Education

Umar Suleiman College of Education Gashua

Email: igonomarythecla@yahoo.com


National recession is a negative term used to describe a halt in economic growth for two consecutive quarters. When national economy stagnates, there is widespread drop in spending; a process that is popularly termed as “an adverse demand shock”. This of course neither augurs well for the wellbeing of the citizens nor promotes national prosperity. Effective communication is a vital tool for giving accurate and detailed information to the masses on current happenings in any society. It is also a crucial way of getting viable feedbacks from the citizenry about their perceptions of diverse sectors of national life including economic performance. In this sense, it serves as a tool for enriching national solutions to economic issues. The advantages of quality management in boosting economic performance and increasing organizational profitability cannot be overstated. Yet, academic discourses that emphasize the use of effective communication and quality management strategies, two vital elements of Business management, to curb the challenges of national recession are scarce. This paper therefore, advocates that despite evidence of improving economic strands capable of exiting Nigeria from economic recession, accurate, valuable, and effective information needs to be made available to the private and international investors on the state of Nigerian economy in general and recession in particular to motivate them to improve their investments in Nigeria. The paper also recommends that quality management should also be taken seriously to improve customers’ confidence and participation in the economy as a way of curbing further economic recession.

Keywords: Communication, Quality Management, Economic Recession, Business Education