Physico – Chemical and Bacteriological Assessment of River Mudzira Water in Mubi, Adamawa State

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Physico – Chemical and Bacteriological Assessment of River Mudzira Water in Mubi, Adamawa State

Maitera, O.N1, Alexander, P2. Anyawu, J.2

1 Department of Chemistry, Moddibo  Adama University, of Technology, Yola Adamawa State.

2Department of Chemistry, Adamawa State University, Mubi.


Mudzira River being the longest River in a village called vimtim located in Mubi North Local government area in Adamawa State was studied in the months of September to December, 2010 to ascertain the suitability of the water for human consumption and other related uses. Five study point: inlet (A, B), middle (C) and out let (D, E) were adopted for monitoring the physic-chemical parameters using standard procedures. The mean total temperature values were A (25.000C), B (24.500C), C (25.500C), D (24.000C) and E (24.000C. Average PH values were A (8.00), B (7.87), C (8.20) D (8.37) and E (8.13). The average conductivity values were A (73.90), B(73.11), D (74.00) and E (73. 80). The average total dissolves solid value of each sample were A (17.10), B (17.10), C (20.00) D (21.64) and E (21.60.). The average turbidity value of sample were A (47.00), B (47.00), C (50.00) D (53.00) and E (50.00).  Average total hardness value are A (20mg/l), B (20mg/L) C (24mg/L), D (20mg/L) and E (20mg/L). The average chloride content were A (12mg/L), B (16mg/L), C (12 mg/L) D (16mg/L) and E (16mg/L).  The average calcium content were A (0.3mg/L) B (0.4mg/L), C (0.3mg/L), D (0.3mg/L) and E (0.2mg/L). The average content of magnesium were A (12mg/L), B(16mg/L), C (16Mg/L), D (12mg/L), E (12mg/L). The lead content of River Mudzira water was negligible. The mean coliform count were A (4), B (3), C (6), D (7), and E (4).The values of the parameters studied were within the WHO/NAFDAC recommended standards excepts for total coliform levels. In conclusion vimtim residents consuming untreated water from River Mudzira are potentially exposed to possible acute, sub chronic or even chronic water borne diseases like typhoid fever, dysentery, diarrhea etc.Keywords: River mudzira, Physico-chemical, coliform