Efficient Building Modifications: The Case for Flexible and Modular Structural Composition of Buildings

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Efficient Building Modifications: The Case for Flexible and Modular Structural Composition of Buildings

Bereprebofa Dimie

Department of Architecture

Rivers State University, Nkpolu Oroworukwo, Port –Harcourt


Modular construction has long been utilized in the construction of residential and many other commercial product types as a means for potentially quicker construction delivery times. A modular building is a pre-engineered structure that is flexible enough to satisfy virtually any requirement tougher than standard drywall construction, expandable, can be relocated and completely re-usable. One obvious advantage that modular construction has over conventional construction is cost. It can not only save up to 35% on the initial construction costs like labor and materials, but there are other benefits as well. It has been found that Modular coordination is an outstanding choice having a minimum on-site modification and material wastage. This paper addresses the numerous advantages of modular systems present in both design and construction works viz a viz buildings’ flexibility that could be applied to enhance modification.