Application of the Principles of Sustainability on Urban Practice and Development in Nyanya Abuja

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Application of the Principles of Sustainability on Urban Practice and Development in Nyanya Abuja

Asma’u S.U. Dantudu; Solomon Sunday Rengkwar & Mansur Bello

Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Kaduna Polytechnic



The world is urbanizing rapidly with cities today experiencing greater concentration of people than ever before. It is extensively accepted that development and urbanization go hand in hand and the expansion of cities has resulted in both opportunities and challenges. This often calls for sustainable development approaches in solving these challenges. The over spiraling growth in Abuja largely stems from socio-economic and socio-political development in the country. This paper seeks to assess the application of the principles of sustainable development in Nyanya Abuja FCT; with a view to making recommendations for effective development. The study observed that there is rapid development in the study area, which is often in an uncontrolled manner and the non-application of sustainable principles in development. The case study and survey methods were used where 187 questionnaires were administered to the residents of Nyanya. The study found that the stakeholders are mostly not aware of the environmental and economic aspect of sustainability that is why they are not practicing them but are however aware of the social principles of sustainability. It was concluded that the trend and pattern of urban development in Nyanya is a cause for serious concern due to the rate of sprawling in the area. Therefore, in curbing the issue of application of the principles of sustainability on urban development and practice within the study area the recommendations provided in this research work are; that the government should introduce an assessmentstrategy which ensures regular checks for non-application and massive rehabilitation and expansion of existing infrastructural stock in the study area should be taken more seriously through collaborative efforts among of all stakeholders.

Key words: Sustainable Development, Principles, Application, Effective Development, Urban practice.