Effect of Cooking and Soaking on the Proximate Composition, Anti-Nutrient and Functional Properties of Bitter Yam

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Effect of Cooking and Soaking on the Proximate Composition, Anti-Nutrient and Functional Properties of Bitter Yam

Duru. F. C., Uneanya, G. C., Ohaegbulam, P. O. & Ochulor D.O., Nnaji, K.A

Department of Food Technology

Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, Imo State

Corresponding author: Duru. F. C., Uneanya

Email: durufaustina@gmail.com


The effect of cooking and soaking on the functional properties of bitter yam tubers were investigated. Peeled yam slices were subjected to two treatments – cooking, soaking overnight and subsequent cooking. Thereafter, the treated tubers were oven-dried. Proximate analysis, anti-nutrient assessment and functional properties determination were conducted using standard procedures. Proximate and functional properties analysis revealed that the treatments significantly affected the nutrient composition of the bitter yam samples. Studies on the anti-nutrients indicated a significant reduction in their levels when compared to the raw sample. It is concluded from this study that cooking on one hand, and soaking and cooking on the other hand effected significant reductions in the levels of anti-nutrients and affected the functional properties of the bitter yam samples.Keywords: Bitter yam, functional properties, proximate composition, anti-nutrient, soaking, cooking