Category Archives: International Journal of Social Sciences and Conflict Management 2019

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Causes and Effects of Commercial Sex Work among Females: A Survey of Gra in Oredo Local Government Area, Benin City, Edo State

Augustine Nwanosike Anyamene
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Benson Idahosa University, Benin City

The broad objective of this study is to draw societal attention and understanding on the causes and effects of commercial sex work amongst women and suggest solutions The survey research design
was used for the study and a sample of 50 females that have been involved or currently involved in commercial sex in G.R.A in Oredo LGA, Benin City of Edo state was used for the study. The primary data was generated using well-structured questionnaire. In filling the questionnaires the
respondents were guided during the survey. Simple percentages and the chi-square non-parametric statistical technique was also employed for the testing of the study hypothesis. The findings of the
study reveals the following; (i) poverty/hardship is a significant cause of female involvement in commercial sex work, (ii) Dropping out of school is a significant cause of female involvement in commercial sex work, (iii) Death of spouse/parent is not a significant cause of female involvement
in commercial sex work, (iv) Difficulty of getting employment is a significant cause of female involvement in commercial sex work and (v) Commercial sex work is responsible for spread of
HIV/AIDS amongst females. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are suggested; firstly, there is the need for government to tackle issues of Poverty/hardship as this
was discovered from our survey to be significant cause of female involvement in commercial sex work. Secondly, the study recommends that non-governmental organizations and other welfare
agencies of government should make effort to reach out to young females that have dropped out of school due to financial constraints and are now involved on commercial sex work. Scholarship schemes can be given to these females to enable them continue their education. Thirdly, there is the
need for government to step up the provision of jobs as this will go a long way in reducing the prevalence of females in commercial sex work. Finally, there is need for massive health enlightenment by state and federal ministry of health, non-governmental organizations and other
concerned agencies to be taken to areas where commercial sex workers operate.

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Nigeria in Search of Peace and Security: Analysis and Action

Abdur-Rahman Olalekan Olayiwola
Department of Political Science,
Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos.


In contemporary Nigeria, the signs of a security dilemma and lack of a peaceful co-existence are there for all to see. Poverty, unemployment, abuse of power by a coterie of political, elites, unconcealed
corruption, nepotism, favouritism, the ostentatious display of wealth and resource struggles, to mention just a few contributory factors responsible for lack of peace, security of insecurity and insecurity of security, are boiling over into ethnic and religious violence in various parts of the six geopolitical zones of the country. Can Nigeria survive another century as a corporate entity? This paper examines the issues of peace and security in Nigeria and recommends some policy options for the country’s citizens either to live together or sink together.
Keywords: Nigeria, Peace, Security, System Survival, Corporate Entity, Peaceful Co-existence or Lack of it