Category Archives: International Journal of Educational Research and Management Technology ,volume 5, number 2, 2020

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ANALYSIS OF GENDER ROLE MISCONCEPTION ON SOCIAL STUDIES TEXTBOOKS IN PLATEAU STATE 1I. D. Abubakar, 2Agbo, Eunice Oada & 3Gana, Deborah Rekiya 1Department of Arts and Social Science Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria 2Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, University of Abuja 3Centre for Gender Security Studies and Youth Advancement, University of Abuja

ABSTRACT: Despite the laudable expectations from Social Studies, recent researches on its textbooks seem to suggest and present a dismal picture of women’s place in history. It has been observed that in most social studies literatures (textbooks) the roles of females were omitted while male were more visible which the thrust of this study is. The study looks at how the gender roles relate to the family, community and the country is represented in the social studies textbooks in Plateau state. The study used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 21 (SPSS 21) in analysing the quantitative aspect of the data while one way ANOVA was used to establish whether there is or there is no significant difference exists in gender role misconception and stereotypes among teachers based on their years of teaching experience, location differences, educational qualifications and gender. At the end of the research, the study revealed that there is no significant difference in mean score for gender role misconception and stereotype of the teachers on the basis of their years of teaching experience and educational qualifications while there are significant differences in mean score for gender role misconception and stereotype of the teachers on the basis of their school location differences and gender affiliation. The result of the teachers based on teaching experience and educational qualifications was revealed to be 0.003 and 0.007 respectively which is less than the significant of 0.05 as established by the study while the teachers misconception based on school location differences and gender affiliation, the study revealed the mean score of 0.450 and 0.894 respectively which were more than 0.05 significance level of the study which implies that teacher’ years of teaching experience and educational qualifications do not have any effect on their views regarding gender roles misconceptions in the contents of primary school Social Studies textbooks.  As a result of these findings, the following recommendations were given. The new concepts of masculinity and femininity should be allowed to encourage both females and males to freely develop their potentials and personalities;  males should feel their masculine side in caring for their family members and sharing housework while females should be encouraged to strive for high social positions; there should be elimination of Confucian ideologies which downplay females as well as constructing females; and as the Nigerian society is changing, its natural law that set backward attitudes toward women should be discarded and replaced by progressive ones.

Key Words: Gender Role, Misconception

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Alonge, Sunday, Obadare Felicia Tomi& Deji Afuye Oladunni

College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria


ABSTRACT: English grammar is an important aspect of English Language. Proficiency in it is indispensable for fluency in communication, However, despite several work on effective strategies of teaching English grammar and student-related factors in secondary schools in Ekiti state, Nigeria, report have shown deficiencies of student in English grammar which accounts for their poor expressive skills. This study, therefore, was carried out to investigate teacher commitment and pedagogical content knowledge as predicators of senior secondary students’ achievement in English grammar in Ekiti state, Nigeria. The study involved one thousand five hundred senior secondary school two students and thirty English teachers randomly selected from thirty secondary schools out of sixty secondary schools in Ekiti south senatorial districts.  Questionnaires were distributed to teachers to determine their level of commitment to English grammar classroom teaching, Also teacher pedagogical content rating scale were administered by the researcher to determine the teachers subject mastery and curricular knowledge. Students were also subjected to English grammar achievement test to find out the effect of teacher commitment and pedagogical content knowledge on the achievement of student in English grammar. It was therefore concluded that Teacher commitment and pedagogical content knowledge influenced students’ achievement in English grammar in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Teachers of English Language should improve on these teacher-related factors for improved achievement of students in English grammar.

Key words: Teacher commitment, Pedagogical content knowledge, oral and written communication, Achievement in English grammar.