Category Archives: International Journal of Sciences and Advanced Innovative Research 2017

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Phytochemical and Elemental Analysis of Trichosanthes cucumerina (Snake Gourd)

1Umudi E. Q., 2Awetefe K. J. & 3Emefiele, T.

1, 2Department of Chemistry, College of Education, Agbor, P.M B. 2090, Agbor, Delta State

3Edo State College of Agriculture, Iguoriahi, Edo State


Corresponding Author: Umudi E. Q.


Psychochemical and elemental analysis of Trichosanthes cucumerina seed was extracted by soxhlet using n-hexane, it shows the presence of alkaloid, glucosides, tannis and glycoside. It was characterized by atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and revealed the presence of magnesium 280.00mg/100g, Potassium 240.00 mg/100g, calcium 15.20 mg/100g, copper 8.2 mg/100g, iron 4.2 mg/100g and zinc 0.05 mg/100g, the Infra-Red Spectroscopic Analysis revealed strong bonds at 1643 and 3012 cm-1 strongly which are C = C and C – H stretching of olefins. This indicates that the seeds are useful medicinally and are good antioxidant.

Keywords: Analysis, Element, Infra-Red, Phytochemicals, Trichosanthes cucumerina

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Performance Evaluation of Romanenko’s Reference Evapotranspiration Model against the Penman – Montieth in a Mangrove Rain Forest Belt

1,2Edebeatu, Chinedu C., 2Okujagu, Charity U. & 2Ononugbo, Philomina C.

1Department of Physics & Ind. Physics, Madonna University, Elele Campus, Nigeria

2Department of Physics, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria



The performance evaluation of Romanenko’s temperature – water vapour empirical reference evapotranspiration model was carried out against the Penman – Monteith model for the period of 2000 – 2003. The result showed that the Romanenko’s ETo is a sufficient model to estimate reference evapotranspiration in the garden city which lies within the mangrove rain forest belt of the South South of Nigeria. In this performance evaluation we introduced the used the Allen Table for the Standardization of the Reference Evapotranspiration in the mangrove rain forest belt of Nigeria. The Allen table standard has herethto been neglected table in the cause of analysis, evaluation and performance of evapotranspiration. This result is vital for the analysis and modeling of water management, irrigation scheduling as well hydrological management, urban planning and environmental impact assessment. 

Keywords: Romanenko’s ETo model, Penman – Monteith Model, Temperature – Water Vapour, Mangrove Belt, Port Harcourt

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The Importance of Information and Communication Technology in our Society (A Case Study of 3,600 Business Centre, in Different Locations, of Osun State, Nigeria)

Prince Awojoodu Soji

Department of Computer Science and Mathematics

Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu

P.M.B. 5533, Ile – Ife, Osun State, Nigeria



This research work was carried out, to find the importance of (ICT), Information and Communication Technology, in the 4 Local governments, namely: (Ife East, Ife South, Ife Central and Ife North), local government areas, in Ile – Ife Kingdom of Osun State, Nigeria. 3,600 open questionnaires were distributed to 4 Local Governments, out of which 900 was used in each local government. A total of 36 different locations were visited and sampled in all the four Local Governments, out of which 100 questionnaires were used in each location. It was gathered that above 65% of the people from the four local governments, supported that ICT), Information and Communication Technology, in our society, was important   while below 35% of the people could not even understand whether Information and Communication Technology, has importance or not. The results from the questionnaires when using Pearson two-tailed correlation coefficient revealed that there was no significant difference from the summary data collected within the four local government visited and sampled, (p < 0.01) table 5.  It therefore showed clearly that the above 65% of the people who supported that (ICT), Information and Communication Technology, in our society was important, has become a reality, (p < 0.01) table 5. The reasons may be due to the fact that, there was only a few aspects of our life nowadays which are unaffected by ICT for example, in the office, factory or at home, visiting a bank, supermarket or garage and in many other places, etc.   Pie chart was used to depict the summary data of each of the local government areas sampled in Ile – Ife Kingdom, of Osun State Nigeria.