Category Archives: International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Scientific Discovery 2017

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Determination and Characterization of Crude Oil Properties produced from some selected Oil Fields in Olomoro Community

 Akpoturi Peters & Idudje Henry

Department of Petroleum Engineering

Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun

Corresponding Author: Akpoturi Peters


The research work entails the physio-chemical determination of properties of crude oil produced from ZY- oil fields, in Olomoro community of Delta state. Sample of the crude oil collected from the field was analyzed in the laboratory for the physical and chemical properties such as; Boiling point, ignition point, API gravity (Specific gravity), sulphur content, Nitrogen content, salt content, water content etc. The sample of the crude oil analyzed was found to contain the impurities such as salt, water and some metals (Ni, Va, Fe). Experimental procedures were carried out on the crude oil sample. Comparison was made with the standard method of ASTM-TP. From the result it became obvious that the crude oil is of the medium type. It is asphalt base crude of low viscosity, naphthenic, low sulfur, high nitrogen, low salt content. Effects of the properties of the crude oil determined on the processing methods were looked into and solutions preferred. Refiners are advised to watch carefully for the properties of crude oil for effective processing and the enhancement on the economic and market value of the sample crude.

Keywords: API gravity, Specific gravity, Boiling Point, Sulphur Content, Low Viscosity, ignition point and market value