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Geographical Approach to Surmounting Security Challenges in Nigeria

Origho Thaddeus & Agatemor Akpotha William

Department of Geography, College of Education, Warri

Department of Political Science, College of Education, Warri

Email: thaddeusorigho@gmail.com; agatemorwilliam@gmail.com


Over the years, the state of insecurity in Nigeria has been on the increase. High rate of crimes such as kidnapping, armed robbery, assassination, theft, arson among others have been on the increase, leading to loss of lives and properties. Due to lack of adequate modern technology, insufficient manpower, the Nigerian state has not been able to effectively tackle insecurity in the country. Various vigilante groups have thus been put in place to check these menace arising from insecurity of lives and properties. However, these security checks have failed to provide the needed solutions to these problems. Geographical approach through the use of Geographical Information System (GIS,), graph theory, aerial photographs, mapping, satellite images, road connectivity networks as tools of geographical studies are means in which security lapses can be checked and managed in Nigeria. These have many applications and promotes efficiency if properly applied. Therefore crime analysis using the above geographical methods is today relevant in Nigeria, as it will go a long way to surmounting security challenges in the country.Keywords: Surmounting, Challenges, Security, Checks, Methods, Insecurity

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Effective Utilization of Revenue Available to Local Government in Edo State: A Study of Oredo Local Government Council

Philomena .I. Urhoghide

Department of Political Science and Public Administration

Benson Idahosa University, Benin City, Nigeria

Email: phil.urhoghide@gmail.com


The study examined effective utilization of revenue available to the local government in Edo State using Oredo Local Government Council. Staff used in this study was randomly selected from each of the four sampled offices from Oredo Local Government Council. The study involved 70 members of staff of given offices. A questionnaire on effective utilization of revenue was used for data collection. The data collected were analyzed using simple percentage statistical tool. Findings revealed the following: for hypothesis I, there was a relationship between ineffective utilization of revenue and Oredo Local Government council at 93.8%. With respect to hypothesis II, there was a relationship between delay in payment of federal/state government grants and the effective utilization of revenue by Oredo Local Government at 95.4%. For hypothesis III, there was a relationship between financial mismanagement of funds and effective utilization of Oredo Local Government revenue at 95.3%. On the basis of these findings, it is recommended that government should improve on policies guiding effective utilization of revenue available to local councils.

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The Political Economy of Subsidy in Nigeria: The Case of Fuel Subsidy Removal 2003-2012

Ije, O. Jairus; Tony, L. Wuyep & Johnson, Oluwatobi         

Department of Political Science, Bingham University, Karu, Nasarawa State

Department of Business Administration, Bingham University, Karu,

Department of Political Science, Bingham University, Karu,


The paper examines the political economy of subsidy in Nigeria with particular reference to fuel subsidy removal from 2003-2012. This is informed by the nation’s inability to track the rising tide of economic hardship that has negatively affected the living standards of Nigerians which has spurred policy makers to tow liberal line to over-haul and revamp the economy so as to have economic growth and development in the shortest possible time and in the best interest of all Nigerians and by extension places the country on the same page with advanced countries of the world which will help to reduce our dependence status. The paper tries to examine the impact of deregulation in terms of the price of petroleum products on the lives of Nigerians and discovers that it is too high, unaffordable and unbearable which is completely antithetical to the principles of good governance. The author observers that since Nigeria is trying to diversify her economy and yet relied heavily on crude oil, proceeds from it should be used to encourage industrialization of agriculture and other sectors of the economy that will bring about all-round development in the country. Any measure put in place to regulate the down- stream sector of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) is an effort in the right direction that will meet the felt needs, yearnings and aspirations of Nigerians whom these products are meant to serve. Clearly the objective of the paper is to make this essential product available and affordable to all Nigerians at all times. The framework of analysis adopted in this work is neo-liberal perspective. The methodology used in this work succinctly links abstract to introduction, history of subsidy removal in Nigeria, tables, conceptual clarification, deregulation and good governance, theoretical framework, deregulation and Nigerian economy, objective of the paper and conclusion and recommendations

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Possibilities in Non-Oil Sector for Rural and Community Development in Nigeria

Ibiam Sunday Mba & Kareem Akeem Olumide

Department of Public Administration and Local Government

University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Email: s.ibiam@yahoo.com


 A critical sector of the economy that has proved to provide for the future of every country’s future is the Non-oil sector. In-view of this, the sector has showcased the ability to guarantee steady economic growth, productivity, self-sufficiency and the capacity to boast employment opportunities more than the oil sector. Numerous intervention programs of the government was made reference to as policy effort that contributed to the rural and community development: A Non- Oil sector approach. This paper examines the possibilities of the Non-oil sector to ensure rural and community development through its wider scope reflecting on the structure of Nigerian economy during the 1960s. This paper adopted economic protectionist theory the theoretical framework while secondary sources of information ensured a descriptive approach to the study. The recommendations tends to discourage over emphasis on oil revenue at a time of skyrocketing number of jobless youths in Nigeria. Hence the call for the agricultural, manufacturing/industrial, tourism, communication etc. to play as a liberal sector in cushioning the effect of petro-dollar crisis in Nigeria.

Keywords: Non-Oil Sector, Rural Development, Potentials, Development, Economy, Growth, Productivity and revenue.

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The Effects of Cattle Herders and Crop Farmers Conflicts on Socio-Economic Development in Nigeria

Abanyam, Noah Lumun

Department of Sociology

Taraba State University, Jalingo. Taraba State, Nigeria

 Email: noahlumun@gmail.com


The intensification of deadly armed resource use conflict between cattle herders and crop farming communities across Nigeria and the lack of political will and/or capacity by the Nigerian Government to identify the root cause(s) and put a permanent solution to the conflicts has disastrous implications on the country’s economy and development generally. This study is aimed at assessing the Effects of Cattle Herders and Crop Farmers Conflict on Socio-Economic Development in Nigeria. Marxist conflict and Tragedy of the common theoretical perspectives were both used in analyzing the study. The study revealed that cattle herders and crop farmer’s conflict result to loss of many lives and property. The conflict is also linked with food insecurity (famine) and high cost of food stuffs leading to deepening hunger and absolute poverty as well as social and political instability as business activities and many schools are closed down. Moreso, social infrastructural facilities including schools, hospitals, and places of worship, residential houses, roads and even airports are neither destroyed nor occupied by cattle herders’ militias or crop farmer’s refugees. It was recommended that herdsmen should establish ranches to curtail the idea of grazing over farmlands. Government at all levels should barn open grazing and indiscriminate movement of cattle on roads. Herdsmen and farmers should be educated on the modern practices of rearing cattle and farming activities and need for peaceful coexistence. Protection of lives and property should be the cardinal objective of government at all levels. Herders should monitor the activities of their members from within and the deviant ones should be exposed and punished. Strong and viable mechanisms of resolving conflicts should be established between herders and farming communities. The study conclude that the federal government should as a matter of urgent respond adequately to the incessant attacks and promptly deploy well trained impartial security operatives to protect lives and property in the affected communities.

Keywords: Effects, Cattle Herders, Crop Farmers, Conflict, Socio-economic Development

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Comparative Evaluation of the Contribution of Leguminous Crops to Soil conservation, productivity of Selected Advanced Pre Release Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato lines and the Profitability of the Cropping System

Anyaegbu Polycarp Ozobia& Ekwugha, Ugochi Eucharia

Department of Crop Science, University of Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria

Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria

Email: anyaegbupoly@yahoo.com


Field experiments were conducted during the 2015 and 2016 rainy seasons at the Abuja University Research Farm, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria, to evaluate the Contribution of Leguminous Crops to Soil conservation, productivity of Selected Advanced Pre Release Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato lines and the Profitability of the cropping System. Treatments consisted of Groundnut+ AYT/08/055, Groundnut+NRSP/11/097, Groundnut+EA/11/003, Groundnut+UM/SP/03, Groundnut+ Kwara, Soybean+AYT/08/055, Soybean+NRSP/11/097, Soybean+EA/11/003, Soybean+UM/SP/03, Soybean+AYT/08  Soybean+ Kwara, Cow pea+ AYT/08/055, Cow pea+NRSP/11/097, Cow pea+ EA/11/003, Cow pea+ UM/SP/03, Cow pea+ Kwara, Pigion pea+ AYT/08/055, Pigion pea+NRSP/11/097, Pigeon pea+ EA/11/003, Pigion pea+ UM/SP/03, Pigion pea+Kwara. combined factorially in a Randomized Complete Block  Design. Results revealed  that  the status of some basic elements which was very poor before the experiment commenced was enhanced significantly (P>0.05) especially in Groundnut/Potato and Cowpea/Potato  intercrop plots.Generelly, Sweet potato lines established by 95% in mixture with legumes and by 75% under sole crops. AYT/08/055 in groundnut mixture produced 33%, under soybean,22%, cowpea, 6% and in Pigeon pea mixture,34% more root yield than its sole crop root yield while NRSP/11/097 groundnut mixture produced 28%, in soybean mixture, 16%  and in Pigeon pea mixture 34% more root yield than its sole crop yield but under cowpea/legume mixture, its root yield was 8% less than its sole crop yield an indication of strong inter specific competition between the two crops. AE/11/003 line produced under groundnut mixture 28%, in soybean 24%, cowpea 6% and under pigeon pea mixture, 28% more root yield than its sole crop yield.  For UM/SP/03, its intercrop yield was more than its sole crop yield by 28% in groundnut mixture, 24% in soybean mixture and 34% in pigeon pea mixture but was 42% less than the sole crop in cowpea mixture.  Kwara variety produced 5% more root yield in groundnut mixture, 8% in soybean mixture and 24% in pigeon pea mixture than its sole crop yield but its sole crop root yield was 10% higher than its intercrop yield in cowpea mixture. Pigeon pea+NRSP/11/097 gave the highest L.E.C. while UMU/SP/O3+ soybean mixture gave the lowest L.E.C.(0.45) and the highest GM (4.85) was obtained from Pigeon pea+NRSP/11/097 mixture while the least (0.644) came from Cow pea+ UM/SP/03 crop mixture.  For intercropping purposes, it is therefore suggested that potato/groundnut and potato/pigeon pea intercrops are more suitable for high yield.

Keywords:  Comparative, Contribution, soil conservation, Intercropping, Sole cropping, Land Equivalent Ratio, Land Equivalent Coefficient, Benefit Cost Ratio.

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Determining the Moisture Content of the Soil using (TME 419) Variety of Manihot esculenta under (2014) the Federal Government Transformation Agenda at Evwode Ovia North East LGA, Edo State Nigeria

Brai, Marcellus Alugbe

Department of Sciences

National Institute of Construction Technology (NICT)

Uromi Edo State

Email: maxcellusng6@gmail.com


The use of mechanized method of cassava cultivation tends to assist in reducing the cost of production and increase plant yield. (Akande L.O. 2006) Therefore, the essence of this study is to increase the output of fresh cassava using the recommended International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) TME419 and TMS98/0581 in sustaining the nation’s food security and being able to feed the cassava processing factories in the state. The study was carried out at Evbode in Ovia North East Local Government area of Edo State. Two hectares area of cassava arable land was cited and preliminary soil analysis was carried out using the soil sample and recorded to detect the fertility of the soil.

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Alternative Local Canal Lining Materials for sustainable Irrigation Practices

Murtala, A. A &  Oyebode, Y. O.

Department of Agricultural and Bio-Environmental Engineering Technology

Kwara State Polytechnic, P.M.B 1375, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria

Email: dejobode2006@yahoo.com


Studies were conducted on Agricultural Engineering Department demonstration farm to ascertain the applicability of low-cost materials for irrigation canal lining. Five treatments of the materials were employed as follows: (Laterite, clay, sandy loam, cow dung and sawdust), (Laterite, clay, sandy loam cowdung and maize chaff),(clay, sandy loam, cow dung, sand and cowpea chaff),(clay, sandyloam, cow dung and sand),concrete-(sand, gravel and cement) as control. These treatments were prepared and allowed to cure. As a guide in selecting suitable mixed ratio, the strength properties of the various materials were first tested in the laboratory using Universal Testing Machine (UTM). Subsequently, seepage through different lining materials was measured on the field using the ponding method. The average seepage losses per day for the treatments, 1,2, 3,4,5, were 0.092, 0.098, 0.110, 0.102 and 0.016 m3/m2/day respectively. Results show that the appropriate local composite of laterite, clay, sandy, loam, cow dung and sawdust at the mixing ratio of 1:1:3:2:2: was found to have average seepage rate of 0.092m3/m2/day. These materials are not expensive and it can easily be afforded by the local farmers.

Keywords: Local materials, Canal lining, Sustainable irrigation practices.

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Adaptation Strategies to Climate Variability being Practiced by Farmers’ in Bayelsa State, Nigeria

1Okringbo, J. I.,2Ominikari, A. G.  & 3Gbede, O. I.

Department of Rural Sociology and Extension,

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike

Federal Polytechnic Ekowe, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State

E-mail: inemo4real@gmail.com


This paper determines adaptation strategies to climate variability being practiced by farmers in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. This information was gathered using structured questionnaire, 120 rural farmers in three Local Government Areas using purposive sampling technique. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentages, mean scores, correlation and T- test. The results revealed that the farmers were marginally dominated by females (60.0%). Majority of the farmers (82.0%) were married. A high proportion (65%) had farm sizes of 0.001-0.015 hectares. Majority of respondents (50.0%) were cassava farmers. The results revealed that adaptation strategies being practiced by farmers (use of improved genetic resource, improved production techniques, practiced zero tillage, postponing of planting period and crop rotation) were high than the bench mark mean scores (2.5) and was identified to be effective. The results of the correlation matrix revealed a positive correlation between age (.237**), farm size (.352**), educational status (.261**) and improve genetic resource and were significant at 5% respectively. The results confirmed that there is a positive correlation between adaptation strategies practice by farmers and socio economic characteristics. Hence, the study recommended that government should provide storage and processing facilities in the study area.

Key words: Adaptation strategies, climate variability and rural farmers

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Population Structure and Regeneration Potential of the most Abundant Timber Tree Species in a Rainforest Reserve in Southeastern Nigeria

1Ananah A. Annah

1Department of Forestry and Wildlife, Cross River University of Technology (Obubura Campus), Cross River State, Nigeria


2Opeyemi Olajide

2Department of Forestry and Natural Environmental Management, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria

E-mail: solaolajide1967@gmail.com


Sustainable management of the remaining areas of tropical rainforest is being canvassed globally. Quantitative and qualitative ecological data on the forests are indispensable for the actualisation of sustainable management. Accordingly, this study assessed the population structure and regeneration potentials of the most abundant timber trees in a rainforest reserve in Southeast Nigeria using belt transect and quadrat techniques for data collection on mature trees and regeneration. Data collected were analysed on per/ha basis, stem diameter classification and calculation of regeneration potential indices. A total of 19 species were found to be the most abundant, with Celtis integrifolia having the highest population density of 53 per/ha, while Brachystegia eurycoma, Enantia chlorantha and Vitex grandifolia had the least of 5 per/ha each. Most of the trees are of small stem diameter with the stem diameter-class 20 – 29cm had the highest frequency of 522 trees, while stem diameter-class 90 – 99cm had the least of 31 trees. The highest regeneration density of 418 per/ha was recorded for Berlinia confuse, while B. eurycoma and Pterygota macrocarpa regeneration were not encountered. Only 9 of the 19 tree species showed sustainable natural regeneration capability as indicated by their regeneration potential indices of ³ 0.10. Limiting timber harvesting to the few big-size trees, and enrichment planting with seedlings of trees of poor natural regeneration potentials would enhance sustainable management of the forest.

Keywords: Rainforest, Timber, Trees, Population, Regeneration, Sustainable Management