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Mathematical Models for Predicting Concentrations of Non-Reaction and Reacting Air Pollutants from Point Source

Category : Uncategorized

Asira, Enim Enim & Njan, N.N.

School of Science

College of Education, Akamkpa, Cross River State


The atmosphere is unabatedly bombarded with numerous substances released from natural and anthropogenic sources. When these substances are in concentrations higher and duration longer than normal, they tend to cause injury to life or property or interfere with comfortable enjoyment of life or property, repose, health and safety, they tend to constitute pollutants. Their levels and lengths of exposure are determined by air quality impact assessment (AQIA). In this study, the air quality impact assessment procedure used are the mathematical models of plume dispersion(Gaussian profile), atmospheric, meteorological and topographical conditions to evaluate pollution sources and concentrations of non- reacting substances, and thermodynamics and reaction kinetics  models for reacting substances . Knowledge and understanding of these models would help in predicting concentrations of air pollutants in the atmosphere, and provide a picture of possible damage to vegetation, organisms and the environment, with a view to arriving at solutions for reduction if not complete elimination of pollutants in the atmosphere, and prevent disastrous consequences of pollutants from newly planned industries.

Key words: Mathematical models, prediction, reacting, non-reacting and substances.

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Effects of Temperature Variation on Quality of Signal Reception of Direct Broadcasting Satellite (DBS) System in some selected towns of Nasarawa State, Nigeria

*1Ndanusa, B., 2Loko, A. Z. & 3Kwaha, B, J.

1 Department of Physics, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State,

2 Department of Physics, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nasarawa State.

3 Department of Physics, University of Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria

*Email: bndanusa@ibbu.edu.ng, bndanusa@gmail.com


This research work examines the effects of variation in temperature on signal reception of Direct broadcasting satellite (DBS) on Ku-Band in some selected towns in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Data used were obtained through experimental approach of recording both relative humidity and the quality of signal received from DBS at 12.517GHz at regular interval of one hour covering two climatic conditions (Rainy and Dry seasons) in 2018. The data obtained from field was used and daily and monthly averages were evaluated. The result showed a consistence in the values of temperature across the three towns (Akwanga, Keffi and Lafia) under study largely to the fact they lie within same coordinates. All the towns experience gradual rise in temperature value as the hours of the day progresses and declined again as night falls, largely due the absence of solar energy radiation at night. While, this was observed, the quality of signal reception reduces from its highest value in January to its lowest value in month of August. The result showed that, the state has temperature values of 38oC and 23oC as high and low values respectively. The averaged value for the whole states showed a weak negative correlation coefficient value of -0.298 and coefficient of determination (R2) value of 0.077 when fitted into linear regression between temperature and the quality of signal reception within the study areaKeyword: Temperature, direct broadcasting satellite, signals reception quality, Akwanga, Keffi and Lafia

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Access and Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) among Farming Household in Kainji Lake Basin, Nigeria

Ogundana Odunayo Seyi ¹, Ogundana Temitope¹, Owa Taiwo Wumi²

¹Department of Agricultural Technology, Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries Technology,  New Bussa,

²Ondo State Fadama Coordination Office, Alagbaka, P.M.B 755 Akure, Nigeria.

Email: odunmansam@gmail.com


The study examined Access and Application of Information Communication Technology (ICTs) among farming household in Kainji lake basin, Nigeria. Multi-state sampling was used in selection of 200 farmers for the study.  Primary data were collected with aid of a well structured questionnaire. 200 questionnaires were sent out for farmers but 194 questionnaires were retrieved. The data was subjected to descriptive statistical analysis. The percentage of the respondent is below the average. This implies that the farmers of this area used contemporary information communication technology (ICTs) for obtaining Agricultural technology information more than conventional (ICTs). The study recommended the strengthening of the use of conventional (ICTs) rather than contemporary (ICTs), also provision of adequate training on the use of (ICTs) for farmers and other Agricultural stakeholders.

Keyword: Farmer, conventional ICT, contemporary ICT, signal.

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A Survey of Challenges of Managing Corruption in Nigeria by Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) through Social Studies Perspectives

Oyewale, Aderemi Oyetunde  ………………………………….…………….……….…….. 1

Majority-Minority Identity Context in Nigeria: Issues and challenges

Comfort Erima Ugbem …………………………………………………………………….. 11

Care of the Elderly for Sustainable Longevity and Transmission of Cultural Heritage to the Young: Implications for Psychology

Okeworo Stephen Nwali ………………………………………………………….………. 19

Understanding Ethical Conduct of International Business Organizations through Cross-Cultural Lens: An Analysis of Underlying Cultural Issues in Volkswagen Emission Scandal of 2015

Brandford Shadrach Adams ……………………………………………………….……… 24

Zealotry and Challenges of Security and Nation Building: The Boko Haram Terrorism in Nigeria

Kabir G. Inuwa Dukawa ……………………………………………….……………..…… 35

Obesity: The Socio-Physiological Challenges in Adolescent Health

Ayuk, Clara. O& Mgbenkemdi Ejike .H. ……………………………………….….…… 42

Geographical Approach to Surmounting Security Challenges in Nigeria

Origho Thaddeus & Agatemor Akpotha William ……………………………….……….. 49

Effective Utilization of Revenue Available to Local Government in Edo State: A Study of Oredo Local Government Council.

Philomena .I. Urhoghide …………………………………………………..…………….…. 58

The Political Economy of Subsidy in Nigeria: The Case of Fuel Subsidy Removal 2003-2012

Ije, O. Jairus; Tony, L. Wuyep & Johnson, Oluwatobi  ………………………….….….. 64  

Possibilities in Non-Oil Sector for Rural and Community Development in Nigeria

Ibiam Sunday Mba & Kareem Akeem Olumide …………………….…………………… 73

The Effects of Cattle Herders and Crop Farmers Conflicts on Socio-Economic Development in Nigeria

Abanyam, Noah Lumun ……………………………………………..…………………… 90

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A Survey of Challenges of Managing Corruption in Nigeria by Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) through Social Studies Perspectives

Oyewale, Aderemi Oyetunde

Department of Social Studies

Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo



Nigeria has a serious problem of corruption.  It is very widespread and it manifests itself in virtually all aspects of the economy.  The viral nature of this phenomenon is such that combating it is consistently proving difficult.  It consequently brings about economic backwardness, political instability, social insecurity, infrastructural decay, unaccountability, negation of principle of law and the likes.  Myriad of attempts aimed at curtailing the menace by successful governments have suffered various setbacks.  However since the emergence of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to manage it, some conspicuous reasonable achievements have been identified by Nigerians.  Based on secondary data this paper examined operations of the EFCC and the challenges of managing corruption in Nigeria.  Taking cognizance of the fact that corruption as a complex phenomenon manifests in virtually every known institution and has transnational and global web of connectivity, an integrative theoretical approach was used in this explanation.  The paper revealed that the Commission is confronted with myriad of challenges viz-a-viz unwholesome judicial process; weddling in its activities by the power that be, weak anti-graft laws etc.  In order to ensure the enhancement of smooth operation of the Commission; it is recommended that: special courts are granted the commission; the Agency should be free from any form of executive and legislative influence, the constitutional provision shielding Chief Executive in Nigeria through immunity must be repealed; social studies education to be revived as an integral part of the school curricula at all educational levels among others.

Keywords: Corruption, Challenges, Managing Corruption, Economic and Financial Crime Commission, Social Studies Education

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Majority-Minority Identity Context in Nigeria: Issues and Challenges

Comfort Erima Ugbem

Department of Sociology

Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria

Email: comfort_ugbem@biari.brown.edu


Identity is a critical aspect of social psychological theorizing and research. It has to do with how people acquire a sense of belonging and situate themselves in a wider social context. Identity defines ones relationship with “others” in the society and further structures individual and group interactions within the society. Issues of identity have been a constant feature in Nigeria’s social scene right from the colonial times till date. The paper focuses on the evolution of the majority minority identity context and examines the issues and challenges. The paper argues that the majority-minority identity context in Nigeria originated from the regional arrangement in the 1940s by the British colonialists and revolves around two major issues; the control of political power in concert with the armed forces, and judiciary and the control of economic power and resources. Issues of majority and minority identity are keenly contested and sometimes lead to violent and non-violent conflict thereby reconfiguring mutual social existence and the creation of fear and tension between ethnic groups. The paper therefore suggests restructuring of the Nigerian state and the creation of awareness by civil society, the academia and government on the positive uses of identity and its construction.

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Care of the Elderly for Sustainable Longevity and Transmission of Cultural Heritage to the Young: Implications for Psychology

Okeworo Stephen Nwali

Department of Primary Education

Ebonyi State College of Education, Ikwo

E-mail: okeworostephen1958@gmail.com


Individuals at any stage of growth and development need proper care to ensure healthy life and functional living. It is on this premise that this paper attempted to examine care of the elderly as against the increasing wave of abuse of old people experienced in this day society. The paper first highlighted the following aspects namely concept of elderly, needs of the elderly, acts of abuse and the possible causes and rationale for caring for elderly persons. The paper at last concluded and stressed the implications of care of the elderly for psychology to include among others, giving relevant agencies orientation on how to provide care for the aged and advice to owners of Old People’s Homes to make such places comfortable for the inmates.      

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Understanding Ethical Conduct of International Business Organizations through Cross-Cultural Lens: An Analysis of Underlying Cultural Issues in Volkswagen Emission Scandal of 2015

Brandford Shadrach Adams

Department of General Studies

Federal Polytechnic, Bali



Culture plays a critical role in ethical decision making especially in businesses that spans across national borders. This paper attempts an analysis of the underlying cultural issues in the Volkswagen Emission Scandal of 2015. It maintains that the underlying roots for unethical business practice  by the global automobile giant (Volkswagen) goes beyond the drive to maximize profits as believed in many quarters but corporate culture that abhors  failure and requires employees to perform and deliver on their task at all cost, the working environment that is averse to debate and all forms of dissent;  and an autocratic leadership style are the enabling facilitators that pushed Volkswagen to the precipice of the famous emission scandal of 2015. The study is qualitative, it utilized secondary sources of data to do the analysis. It concludes with recommendations on lessons that other businesses, organizations etc. can draw from Volkswagen’s 2015 experience.

Keywords: Ethical, Culture, Conduct, Business, Emission, Scandal

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Zealotry and Challenges of Security and Nation Building: The Boko Haram Terrorism in Nigeria

Kabir G. Inuwa Dukawa

Department of History and International Studies

Sa’adatu Rimi College of Education, kumbotso kano Nigeria


Nigeria has been challenged by zealotry and ethno – religious conflicts with annihilating human and material losses since the return of democracy in 1999. However, the Boko Haram uprising of July 2009, was more significant in that it not only set a precedent, but also rein forced the attempts by zealotry Islamic elements at imposing a variant of Islamic religious ideology on a secular Nigerian state. The action of this zealotry elements, poses serious challenges to Nigerian security and its nation building.   Whereas, the religious sensitivity of Nigerians provided productive ground for the breeding of the Boko Haram sect, the sect’s el efflorescence could also be said to have been aided by the prevailing economic dislocation in the country vis-à-vis the introduction of party politics and politics of anxiety, the associated desperation of politicians for political power, and the ambivalence of some vocal Islamic leaders who, though they did not actively embark on mutiny, but either did little or nothing to occlude it from agitating, or only feebly condemned it.  These internal factors coupled with growing Islamic fundamentalism around the globe made a highly volatile Nigerian society prone to violence, as evidenced by the Boko Haram uprising which in turn further poses challenges to national security and the nation –  building. Given the approach of the country’s religious conflict, this violence may remain a recurring problem which is why this paper analyses the Boko Haram terror, as well as its links with the promotion of islamic revivalism and the challenges it poses to the peaceful co – existence of the Nigeria entity and nation – building.

Keywords: zealotry, national insecurity, nation building and Boko        Haram sect.

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Obesity: The Socio-Physiological Challenges in Adolescent Health

Ayuk, Clara. O1 & Mgbenkemdi Ejike .H2

Department of Sociology/anthropology, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu

Department of Psychology, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu

Email: sayhitoayukclara@gmail.com; iamejike@yahoo.co.uk


This study examined Obesity: the Socio-Physiological Challenges in Adolescent Health among Secondary School Students in Enugu State metropolis, Enugu-Nigeria. The aim of the study was to examine the predominant factors associated with the life and activities of adolescents in South Eastern Nigeria particularly Enugu state metropolis. The study adopted a survey design methodology, with a close-ended self-administered structured questionnaire. Using Simple Random Sampling Technique, a total of 220 students from five secondary schools in Enugu metropolis, aged between 11 to 18 years old were randomly selected as respondents, which formed the sample of the study. Body mass index of participants were measured and used to compare with the responses from the questionnaire.  The study observed that preference of food type such as starchy or foods high in carbohydrates, lack of nutritional diet, cholesterols and lack of exercise lead to obesity and overweight in adolescence than regular food consumption. The study also revealed that there was high rate of stigmatization against students with obesity and overweight body size. It was recommended that the parents/ guidance should watch the kind of food their children eat, again; principals, owners of schools and the government through the Ministry of Education should rejuvenate schools sports festival across secondary schools as a means of keeping students active and healthy through sports. It was also recommended that adolescents and parents should be made aware of the health implications of consuming foods high in fat and cholesterols such as Ice cream and Noodles in order to maintain healthiness and longevity.

Keywords: Obesity; Socio-Physiological and Adolescence