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1Mohammed Lawal Yahaya; Zainab Ango Murtala2 & Henry. N. Onukwube3

1Department of Physical Planning and Development, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto

2Department of Works and Services, Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital Kware, Sokoto

3Department of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Lagos, Lagos

Email: mohammedlawalyahaya@gmail.com


Smart PLS is among the leading software applications for Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). It has been developed by Ringle, Wende & Will (2005). Since its launch in 2005, the software has gained popularity not only because it is freely available to academics and researchers, but also because it has a user-friendly interface, advanced reporting features and choose formative or reflective models. Although a large number of journal articles on the subject of PLS modeling have been published, the number of instruction materials available for this software is limited especially within the context of environmental studies. This paper is written to resolve this knowledge gap and to help beginners in various field of study to understand how PLS-SEM can be used in construction economics and management research. A step-by- step method was demonstrated for the measurement and structural model evaluation stating the main points in reporting each model. We believe that construction industry scholars would recognize and embraced the use of the statistical methods at their disposal to explore and better understand the phenomena they are researching compared to the first generation tool of analysis employed earlier.

Keywords: Bootstrapping; Formative; Measurement Model; Path coefficient; Reflective; Smart  PLS; Structural Model.

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Table of Contents

Ivory Tower and its Impact of Research Development: A Study of Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State

A. M. Letswa & Abdulkadir Abdul Malik………………………………………….…1

Is Monetary Policy a Veritable Tool for Tackling the Problem? Nigeria in Focus

Johnson A. Atan, Ubong E. Effiong & Joel I. Okon……………………………..…………13

A Comparative Study of Counting System in Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba

Aturamu Olayinka Omolayo; Musa Haliru Kuta & Ayodele Stella Chinyere………….30

Change Management and Implementation of Education Innovation in Public Secondary Schools in Rivers State

Nweke, Emmanuel Onyekachi, Austin, Ikubor Sokpuwu & Amadi, George

Achinike …………………………………………………………………………………..…35

Grammatical Errors of Student Teachers: Effects on English Language learning among Secondary School Students in Ekiti State Nigeria.

Obadare, Felicia Tomi & Deji-Afuye, Oladunni O.……………………………………..64

Staff Development and Teachers’ Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Rivers State

Asita, Masikirikwe P. & Austin, Ikubor Sokpuwu……………………..…………………73

Effect of Poor Management Strategies of Solid Waste in Secondary Schools in Onelga, Rivers State

Favour Chukumela Woko…………………………………………………………………..103

Resilience and Locus of Control as Predictors of Delinquent Behaviour among Secondary School Students in Ado-Ekiti

Arowosegbe Christanah Kehinde & Adedayo Tolulope    …………………………….…117

Influence of Social Studies Education on Religious Tolerance among National Certificate of Education (NCE) Students in Kaduna State

Agbo, Eunice Oada;  Yaro, Linda Kiritmwa & Ayuba, Anita Bishara…………126

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Resilience and Locus of Control as Predictors of Delinquent Behaviour among Secondary School Students in Ado-Ekiti

Arowosegbe Christanah Kehinde & Adedayo Tolulope   

Department of Psychology & Behavioural Studies

Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti

Email: ajilakehinde@yahoo.com


This study investigates resilience and locus of control as predictors of delinquent Behaviour. Three hundred participants were used for this study. Three research instruments were used to measure the variable of interest and this include Deliquent Activity Scale aim to measure delinquent behavior among Secondary School Students, Resilience scale aim to measure resilience and Multidimensional Locus of Control aimed to measure individual locus of control.  Two hypotheses were tested using Regression analysis and Pearson Correlation. The result of the study revealed that Resilience predicts Deliquent Behaviour and Locus of control does not predict Deliquent Behaviour. Findings are discussed according to the literatures and it is recommended that individual should avoid delinquent behavior at all cost in order to return sanity to the environment.

Keywords: Delinquent Behaviour, Resilience, Locus of Control

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Effect of Poor Management Strategies of Solid Waste in Secondary Schools in Onelga, Rivers State

Favour Chukumela Woko

Department of Integrated Science

Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Email: favourchukumelawoko@gmail.com


The study is geared at investigating the effect of poor management strategies of solid waste in secondary schools in ONELGA, Rivers State. Two research questions guided this study. The study adopted a descriptive study design. The study was carried out in Secondary’ Schools in ONELGA. The targeted population is all students, teachers and, administrators in secondary schools in ONELGA. 200 people were randomly selected from five secondary schools in ONELGA for the study. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire titled “Effect of Poor Management Strategies of Solid Waste in Secondary Schools” (EPMSSWSS). The data collected were analyzed using the SPSS statistical package. The study revealed that there has been an effect of poor management strategies of solid waste in secondary schools in ONELGA, Rivers State. Based on the findings, the study recommended among the following that there should be Wastes disposal equipment for schools to avoid dumping waste in the environment and to also avoid decay of these wastes in the school environment to avoid many diseases, an adequate dumping sites for solid waste provided by government for schools, the dumping sites for refuse should be far away from the school environment. There should be provision for adequate dustbin in each class of a secondary school in ONELGA, there should be funds raised for programs to orientate students on proper waste management, there should be a regular collection of solid waste within secondary schools in

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Students in Kaduna State

1Agbo, Eunice Oada, 2Yaro, Linda Kiritmwa & 3Ayuba, Anita Bishara
1&3Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, University of Abuja
2Department of Social Studies, Federal College of Education, Pankshin, Plateau State
Email: 1oadaagbo@gmail.com; 2yarolinda@gmail.com, 3anitabishara@gmail.com



Nigeria has been experiencing religion intolerance over the years and this has encroached into the educational institutions. Students are expected to live harmoniously among themselves but unfortunately this is not evidence in Colleges of education in Kaduna State which is the thrust of this study. The study aims at assessing the influence of social studies education on religious tolerance among the NCE students in the two colleges of education in Kaduna State. Three research objectives, questions and hypotheses were raised for the study. A sample of 250 respondents was drawn from a population of 940 NCE II and NCE III students of Federal College of Education Zaria and College of Education GidanWaya in Kaduna State. The data for the study was collected and analysed using percent, mean, standard deviation t-test and one-way ANOVA. At the end of the research, the study revealed that there was a significant difference between the mean perception scores of NCE II and NCE III students on the influence of Social Studies on religious tolerance with the p value of 0.006 which is less than the significance level of 0.05 indicating that the opinion of NCE II and NCE III students did differ in the perception regarding the influence of Social Studies education on religious tolerance in the state. While on the other hand, the influence of the subject matter on religious affiliation and college type revealed that there was and there was no significant difference between the mean opinion scores of the students based on college type and religious affiliation of the students respectively. The influence of Social Studies education based on college type revealed the p value of 0.001 which is also less than the significance level of 0.05 while the influence based on religious affiliation was given at 0.327 which is more than the required significance level of 0.05. Based on the outcomes of the result the following recommendations were given; government should encourage the teaching of Social Studies Education courses on religious tolerance by non NCE Social Studies students as electives so as to ensure that the citizenry has all information needed for ensuring ethnic and religious tolerance; teachers of Social Studies Education at NCE level should be made to update their knowledge and skills on how to effectively translate the content of ethnic and religious tolerance through seminars, workshops and conferences organized by governments and professional bodies; and Social Studies Education should be taught in senior secondary school to enable smooth transition to NCE level.

Keywords: Social Studies Education, Religious Tolerance


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Staff Development and Teachers’ Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Rivers State

Asita, Masikirikwe P. & Austin, Ikubor Sokpuwu

Department of Educational Management

Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Email: masikirikwe@gmail.com


The study delved into teacher development and teachers’ performance in public secondary schools in Rivers State.  Populations of 24,793 teachers (respondents) were studied with a sample size of 400 teachers. The purposive sampling technique was adopted.  Out of the 400 questionnaires distributed, 350 were duly completed and returned, upon which the analysis was done.  The descriptive survey design was used.  Three research questions and three research hypotheses were posed.  The research quesions were answered using mean and standard deviation while the hypotheses were tested using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMC). The instrument was validated a lecturer in the department of Educational Management, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education. The reliability testing was done using the Crumbach Alpha (SPSS version 23) at .85 which implies that the instrument was highly reliable. The summary of the findings showed that teachers in public secondary schools in Rivers State are hardly trained or developed in the job.  The study recommended that all stake-holders should ensure teachers are trained, retrained and developed for the purpose of their efficiency.

Key Words: Teacher, Development, Teacher’s Performance

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Grammatical Errors of Student Teachers: Effects on English Language learning among Secondary School Students in Ekiti State Nigeria

Obadare, Felicia Tomi & Deji-Afuye, Oladunni O.

Department of General Studies

College of Education, Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria

Email: obadarefelicia@yahoo.com


The English language has its grammar governed by rules. Speakers of the language have to make concerted effort to learn how words are put together to form sentences to enable them to effectively communicate in the language. Student teaching is a college-supervised instructional experience; usually the culminating course in a university or college undergraduate education or graduate school program leading to teacher education and certification. This study focuses on grammatical errors of student teachers: the effect on English language learning. The main purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of grammatical errors committed by student teachers on learning English language. Normative survey method was adopted. One hundred (100) senior secondary school students and twenty (20) student teachers took part in the study. The researchers developed a questionnaire comprising of 120 multiple choice questions. Scoring key for the items of questionnaire was prepared. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics (Mean and Standard deviation) and inferential analysis (t-test and F-test). Based on the findings, suggestions and relevant recommendations were made.

Key Words: English language,Grammatical errors, Secondary School Students, Student teachers.  

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Change Management and Implementation of Education Innovation in Public Secondary Schools in Rivers State

Nweke, Emmanuel Onyekachi, Austin, Ikubor Sokpuwu & Amadi, George Achinike

Department of Educational Management

Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt, Nigeria


The study examined School Change management And Implementation of Education Innovations in Public Secondary Schools in Rivers State. . The instrument used in carrying out the study was questionnaire. A total of 380 copies of the questionnaire were distributed to teachers in secondary schools in Rivers State, 350 were duly returned and completed. The Study based its analysis on the returned 350 questionnaires. Five research questions and Fiver hypotheses were raised upon which 15 correlational questionnaire items were generated in the research questionnaire to obtain responses from the respondents. The statistical of ANOVA statistical tool was used to test the hypothesis, using the SPSS Version 23. The research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation. The testing of the five hypotheses showed non- significant in hypothesis 1 and significant in the other four research hypotheses thereby annulling the raised null hypotheses. Based on the findings, recommendations were reached encouraging all stake-holders especially the principals captured in the study to brace up to the modern challenge of carrying the teachers along in innovation decisions and its effective implementations.

Key Words: School, Change Management, Implementation, Education, Innovations, Public Secondary schools, Rivers State.

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A Comparative Study of Counting System in Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba

Aturamu Olayinka Omolayo; Musa Haliru Kuta& Ayodele Stella Chinyere

Department Of Yoruba, College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti

Department of Hausa, College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti                                                        

Department of Igbo, College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti                                                  


The significance of counting system and its effects in developing different aspect of the lives of people cannot be overlooked. The concept of counting as viewed in this paper is also expressed. What counting system entails is also discussed. The importance of counting system in the society is also earmarked. The various means of counting used by the three major indigenous languages i.e. Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba is also highlighted. In conclusion, recommendations on what can be done to improve and sustain the counting among the three major indigenous languages in Nigeria is given

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Is Monetary Policy a Veritable Tool for Tackling the Problem? Nigeria in Focus

Johnson A. Atan, Ubong E. Effiong & Joel I. Okon

Department of Economics

University of Uyo, Uyo

Email: ubongeffiong78@yahoo.com


This paper investigated the influence of monetary policy as a veritable tool for tackling the problem of unemployment in Nigeria. In doing this, the paper used time series data ranging from 1981 to 2017. The ordinary least squares (OLS)  method was used in the analysis. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test was employed in testing the stationarity property of the series and revealed that all the variables were stationary at first difference. This therefore necessitated the test for cointegration using the Johansen cointegration test of which both the Trace statistic and Max-Eigen statistic showed 2 and 1 cointegrating equation(s) respectively. This therefore justified the use of the Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) in the study. Findings of this paper showed that monetary policy rate (MPR), money supply (MS), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and Credit to private sector (CPS) had an inverse and significant influence on unemployment in Nigeria within the study period. Also, the existence of cointegrating equations showed that there is a long run relationship between unemployment and the explanatory variables used in this study. It is from these findings that this paper recommended that emphasis should be laid on aggressively pursuing entrepreneurial development and increased productivity by focusing on investment, employment generation and economic growth that has mechanism to trickle down to the masses.

Key words: Monetary Policy, Unemployment, Economic Policies, Influence