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Monday Akpegi Onah1, Sunday Akuratse Akuratse1 Patricia Ali1,Johnson Orfega Mage & Paul Tarzoho2

1Department of Geography, Benue State University, Makurdi

2Department of General Studies, Taraba State College of Health Technology, Takum

Email: aonah@bsum.edu.ng



The study analysed trend in temperature and wind speed characteristics over Fidii area of Makurdi Local Government Area of Benue State. Temperature and wind speed data for Makurdi synoptic weather station for a period 30 years (1986 and 2015) were acquired from Nigerian Meteorological Agency, Oshodi, Lagos. Least Square Regression Model (LSRM) was used to analyse trend, while Student’s ‘t’ Test statistic was to determine the significance of the trends at 0.05 degree of confidence. Mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation were also employed in data analysis. The result shows that the variation in mean minimumm, maximum and mean temperatures over Fiidi area of Makurdi indicates negative trends which were not significant at 0.05 confidence level. The result further shows that temperatures in Makurdi have periodicity of ten (10) years which means that Makurdi usually go through cooling and warming phases in cyclic pattern of ten years with maximum temperatures currently going through upward oscillation (warming phase) after a downward oscillation of just six years instead of the usual 10-year periodicity. The result generally showed that wind speed over Fiidi, Makurdi varied seasonally during the study period with the months of December – April which constitutes dry season in Makurdi have high wind speed with the highest wind speed of 5.78m/s occurring in the month of April, while the lowest wind speed of 3.52m/s on average occurred in the month of October. Annually, result generally indicates a sharp declining trend in the wind speed in the study area during period with yearly decreasing rate of 0.0485m/s. Wind speed showed greater degree of variability than temperature characteristics. Consequently, the study recommends tree planting so as to ensure moderate temperatures that would enhance physiological comfort of the inhabitants.

Keywords: Temperature, wind speed, Trend and Periodicity

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1Anzaku, I. M., 2Ishaya, K. I. & 2Ogah, A. T.

1Department of Science, Bayero University, Kano, Kano State, Nigeria

Department of Geography, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria

Email: mamman.iliyasu@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT: This study assessed morphometric of gullies in Nasarawa state, Nigeria with a view to ascertain the level of distinction of the phenomenon in the state. Landscape morphology and the process that bring them into being have always been of interest to scholars. Landform evolution is therefore a product of the balancing of these forces in the presence of climatic and endogenic change geomorphic interaction is provided by the sun, geothermal and gravitational energy.Both primary and secondary data source were employed for this study. The primary data were collected from direct field observation and measurements. Secondary data were gathered through the review of relevant literature. A recommendation survey to ascertain the general characteristics of gullies in the state was carried out with the aid of topography map of the study area.The results generated from the field were subjected to statistical and laboratory analysis. The results of the findings revealed that gullies in Lafia and Wamba LGA of Nasarawa state are more affected 80% Kilema gully site in Lafia LGA recorded the highest intern of gully length 315m followed by Traffic in Wamba LGA 303m, UngwaSharu in Lafia LGA recorded the highest figure in term of gully length 325m followed by Traffic in Wamba LGA 285m respectively. In term of gully in the study area, it recorded number 21.2m, traffic in Wamba LGA 20.3m, Gangare wawa in Wamba LGA and Akurba in Lafia LGA recorded the same figure 17.3m, respectively. Gully site in Mama, in Wamba LGA and Uke in Karu LGA of the study area, recorded the last figure 4m in width magnitude. In term of area, gully site in Marhai in Wamba LGA, Mararaba in Karu LGA and UngwaTiv. In Lafia LGA recorded the highest number 0.21m2 and Adogi gully site in Lafia LGA recorded the last of 0.5m2. Majority of the gullies in the study area are characterized by U-S shape cross-section 60% and V-shape 30% U and V-shape 10%. The findings also revealed the results of the mean value of volume of soil loss in the study area was 14200.39tonnes/ha in all the gullies in the study area. The mean values of large gullies length were 254.77, depth was 11.86, while that of very small gullies was length 65.16, depth was 4.66 and slope angle was 9.0. Gullies in the area are long- narrow linear to rectangular shaped. 55.6% of gullies are at their continuous stage of development while 44.4% of gullies were at their continuous stage of development.

Keywords: Erosion, Gully Erosion, and Gully Characteristics.

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1Helen Nuhu; 2Asma’u Shehu Usman Dantudu &*3Mansur Bello

1 Kaduna Geographic Information Service, No. 31 Ali Akilu Road, Unguwar Sarki, Kaduna

2&3 Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Nigeria

Email: mansbell2017@gmail.com

Corresponding Author: Mansur Bello


ABSTRACT: This study assessed the abattoirs in Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria. This came about based on the recognition of the disposal of meat waste as source of environmental pollution in the built environment. The study aimed at assessing the facilities available at abattoirs in the metropolis. This was achieved through the following objectives; identifying the existing abattoirs; assessing the location and their distribution; also assessing the condition/adequacy of the environment. Survey adopted for this study is the survey research method which involved field observation, land use survey. A total of twenty-three slaughterhouses were identified in the study area; two standard abattoirs and twenty-one are substandard. Findings revealed most of the abattoirs are sited without consideration to where, how and what should be done about the waste generated by the abattoir and how this waste will be taken care of; abattoir waste both solid and liquid with exemption of plastics are biodegradable and can be controlled and managed using best practices in waste management and disposal practices. Most of the abattoirs in the metropolis don’t have basic ancillary facilities and services necessary for the daily functional operation of an abattoir; abattoirs contribute to the emission of smokes into the atmosphere through the burning of hides and skins, hoofs, heads and tails and bones. The study recommended ten new slaughter houses to be added to the twenty-three existing already. Slaughter houses are to be properly located using the specification of the World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). The travel distances should be implemented based on the accepted services and travel distance of not more than 1.6km for the slaughter slabs and 3km for the medium and standard abattoirs. The Kaduna Environmental Protection Agency (KEPA) and the ministry of Agriculture should come together and develop a standard on abattoir hygiene to reduce environmental degradation, waste storage, and improve on treatment of abattoir waste management and disposal.

Key words: Assessment, Abattoirs, Spatial, Distribution

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1Aliyu, M.,2 Biu, A.A., 3Bello, A.U.,and 4Suleiman ,M.A.

1,2,3&4Department Human Kinetics and Health Education,

Ahmadu Bello University. Zaria.

Email: draliyukutigi@yahoo.com

Corresponding Author:  Aliyu Mohammed

ABSTRACT: The study assessed the influence of Attitude on practice towards Healthful School Living among Senior Secondary School Students in Northern States, Nigeria. The study used ex-post facto design, which is a non-experimental design. 2,482 respondents were randomly sampled for the study, 2480 copies of questionnaire were returned, using multistage sampling techniques. A modified four (4) point Likert measuring scale format was used to collect data. Pilot study was carried out to test for validity and reliability of the instrument to be administered. Descriptive statistics of frequency count, percentages, mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research question, while inferential statistics of Pearson’s Product Moment correlation coefficient was used to test for influence of attitude on practice toward healthful school living among senior secondary students in Northern state Nigeria. The analysis was conducted with decision criterion of 0.05 alpha level of significance. Results of study revealed that, attitude have significant influence on practice towards healthful school living among senior secondary school students in Northern states. In conclusion; Students were with the belief that, school playground safety was very important for health school living. The attitude of senior secondary school students towards healthful school in Northern State, Nigeria had positive and proportional influence on their health practices. The higher the attitudinal change the more the health practice among students, which means that there is a direct relationship between attitude and practices toward healthful school living among senior secondary school students in Northern States, Nigeria and vice versa. Based on the conclusion, the following recommendations were made; Health promotion and education programme should be emphasized on by the government at all level especially in the senior secondary school students in Northern states, Nigeria, teaching of health education in senior secondary schools in Northern states, Nigeria should be improved and school authorities must ensure that, adequate space and conducive environment is provided for students to enable teaching and learning.

Key words; Attitude, practice, healthful school living and Nigeria

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1Nweke, Emmanuel Onyekachi; 2Wobo, Anthony Anayor & 3Josephine Dick

1Department of Office Technology and Management, Capt. Elechi Amadi Polytechnic, Port Harcourt

2Department of Educational Management, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt

3Department of Educational Management, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt

Email: emy1242000@yahoo.com


The paper looked into Covid-19 and Education in Tertiary Institutions in Rivers State.  Covid-19 brought about so many issues resulting to learning lacuna in our tertiary educational institutions in Rivers State.  The paper deployed secondary sources of textbooks, internet sources, and newspapers in generating literature.  It covered the concept of novel covid-19 pandemic. It x-rayed students learning abilities under the ravaging covid-19 era, economic strength of students and parents to acquire learning facilities, and the remote learning under covid-19.  The experiences of learning gap, the general impact on our educational system were equally examined.  The paper concluded that Covid-19 obstructed learning and teaching activities in tertiary institutions in Rivers State. Parents and students had a drop in their economic life to enable them buy data and other materials to cope with the new normal method of learning.  The remote learning and teaching was entirely novel to the tertiary terrain in Rivers State.  There were no initial training and change management approach prior to the emergency which gulped the entire world.  The paper suggested that management of tertiary institutions in Rivers State, should from time to time organize seminars and workshops on e-learning, the e-learning process should be made part of the mainstream learning process by the management of tertiary institutions in Rivers State and that academic staff in tertiary institutions should engage in personal development and not necessarily waiting for management all the time.

Key Words: Covid-19, Education, Tertiary institutions in Rivers State, Learning abilities, Economy of learning, Remote Learning.

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1Isah Ali; *2Yusuf Abubakar & 2Florence Bola Adeyanju

Department of Physical and Health Education, College of Education Akwanga, Nasararwa State

Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Kaduna State

Email: *yakgez337@gmail.com


This paper examined the roles of motivation of Supportive Staff of Nasarawa State Sport Council on Athlete’s performance in National Sport Festivals. One hundred and ninty eighty (198) questionnaire were administered to the respondents of which one hundred and seventy four (174) copies were retrieved. Ex-pos- facto research design was adopted for the study while statistical package for Social Science (SPSS) vision 22 was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that the roles of Supportive Staff of Nasarawa State Sport Council correlate positively with athletes’ performance (number of medals won by the athletes during National Sport Festivals). The researchers concluded that   Supportive staff plays prominent role in motivating athletes in national sports festival which influenced their performance. This is because, They provide social support to athletes in sporting events with indicate strong relationship with athletes’ performance during national sport festival finally recommended that supportive staff of Nasarawa State sport council should be well motivated through regular payment of salary, sponsorship to attend courses as this motivation has direct influence on athletes’ performance.

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Omotosho, Gabriel Akinlolu

Department of Math/ Stat

Isah Mustapha Agwai I Polytechnic, Lafia

Email: jogbodoakinlolu@gmail.com

ABSTRACT: The study investigated the impact of instructional programme on students’ performance in mathematics in Nasarawa State. The study was designed to find out whether students taught geometry using instructional programme would perform better in mathematics than those taught using the conventional method.  Two hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The design of the study was quasi-experimental, non-equivalent pre-test, post- test control group type. Purposive sampling technique was employed in the selection of the schools for the study. Mathematics Performance Test (MPT) with reliability coefficient of 0.84 was used for data collection. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used for testing the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The results showed that there is significant difference in mean performance scores between the students taught mathematics using instructional programme and those taught using the conventional method. The results showed that there is no significant difference in the performance of male and female students taught mathematics with instructional programme.

Keywords: Teacher-Centered Method, Performance in Mathematics, Discovery Learning, Conventional Method

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Wavi Pur Mamza & Linus Nihungu Ahaz 

Department of Library and Information Science,

Modibbo Adama University of Technology Yola, Adamawa State

ABSTRACT: Librarianship is all about getting people out of the knowledge circle to give the community of users the necessary information. The shifts in the way material processing, delivery and recuperation are viewed as culture technology progresses. The goal of this study is to illustrate the role of ICT in the production, management, storage, retrieval and diffusion of knowledge for the productive delivery of services. The research thus explored the notion of why the urge for ICT library operations. Based on the literature revealed, poor countries such as Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, etc. are significantly behind schedule and will not be able to reach and be successful in industries unless they strategize attempts to adopt a new Technology. The advantages of using ICT in information centers are enormous as internet services can also be used to access research education, networking, and even entertainment content. It was also shown that the boundary of distance, time and cost were closed for things to happen with implemented ICT driven libraries.

Keywords: ICT, ICT Literacy, advantages, challenges, and strategies.

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Ele, Augustine Augustine; Eja, Michael Asor; Egbonyi, Romanus Cyprian & Ido, David Egwa

Department of Business Management, University of Calabar, Calabar

Department of Educational Administration and Planning, University of Calabar, Calabar

Department of Educational Management, University of Calabar, Calabar

Department of Microbiology, Cross River State College of Nursing, Midwifery and Public Health Sciences, Itigidi

Email: elenoble2000@yahoo.com


The study investigated the relationship between educational change management strategy and effective school supervision in the Nigeria secondary school system. The study adopted correlational research design. The population of this research work comprised of 376 respondents. The study adopted census sampling system in selecting 282 teachers. The study utilized Pearson Product Moment of Correlation Coefficient and multiple regression analysis to test the hypotheses. The study revealed that principals’ empirical-rational strategy significantly relates to effective school supervision in the Nigeria school system. It also revealed that principals’ environmental-adaptive strategy significantly relates to effective school supervision in the Nigeria school system. The study also shown that principals’ power-coercive strategy significantly relates with effective supervision of secondary schools in the aspects of instructional delivery, record keeping as well as maintenance of school facilities. The study also revealed that principals’ change management strategies such as empirical-rational strategy, environmental-adaptive strategy and power-coercive change management strategy significantly predicts or forecast effective school supervision in the Nigeria secondary school system. It concluded that effective school supervision is enhance through the introduction of educational change management strategies such as empirical-rational strategy, environmental-adaptive strategy as well as power-coercive strategy in the management and administration of the educational system.

Keywords: Change Management strategy, Empirical-rational strategy, Environmental-adaptive strategy, Power-coercive strategy and Effective school supervision.

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Category : Uncategorized

Brai M.A. &: Isemede E.E

National Institute of Construction & Management (N.I.C.T.M),

P.M.B 005, Uromi, Edo State. Nigeria.

Email: maxcellusng6@gmail.com


Agro forestry is defined as a dynamic ecology based natural resources management system that through the integration of trees on the farm and the agricultural landscape diversifies and sustain the production of increased economic and environmental benefits for the land users at the various levels. Agro forestry helps to conserve and protect natural resources by mitigating nonpoint. Control of soil erosion and creating wildlife habitat. This paper draws attention to the agro practices and concept in sustaining land use system .The benefits derived from the interface between forest trees and agricultural crops are too numerous to mention. These consists of the optimum use of the land both for agricultural and forestry production on a sustainable basis including the improvement of the soil quality. This is also the socio economic benefit that are gotten from forestry .The merit of agroforestry is all encompassing and good to a sustainable production system and livelihood.

Key words: Agroforestry, Concept, practices, Sustainable and land use system.