A Survey of Challenges of Managing Corruption in Nigeria by Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) through Social Studies Perspectives

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A Survey of Challenges of Managing Corruption in Nigeria by Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) through Social Studies Perspectives

Oyewale, Aderemi Oyetunde

Department of Social Studies

Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo



Nigeria has a serious problem of corruption.  It is very widespread and it manifests itself in virtually all aspects of the economy.  The viral nature of this phenomenon is such that combating it is consistently proving difficult.  It consequently brings about economic backwardness, political instability, social insecurity, infrastructural decay, unaccountability, negation of principle of law and the likes.  Myriad of attempts aimed at curtailing the menace by successful governments have suffered various setbacks.  However since the emergence of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to manage it, some conspicuous reasonable achievements have been identified by Nigerians.  Based on secondary data this paper examined operations of the EFCC and the challenges of managing corruption in Nigeria.  Taking cognizance of the fact that corruption as a complex phenomenon manifests in virtually every known institution and has transnational and global web of connectivity, an integrative theoretical approach was used in this explanation.  The paper revealed that the Commission is confronted with myriad of challenges viz-a-viz unwholesome judicial process; weddling in its activities by the power that be, weak anti-graft laws etc.  In order to ensure the enhancement of smooth operation of the Commission; it is recommended that: special courts are granted the commission; the Agency should be free from any form of executive and legislative influence, the constitutional provision shielding Chief Executive in Nigeria through immunity must be repealed; social studies education to be revived as an integral part of the school curricula at all educational levels among others.

Keywords: Corruption, Challenges, Managing Corruption, Economic and Financial Crime Commission, Social Studies Education