Possibilities in Non-Oil Sector for Rural and Community Development in Nigeria

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Possibilities in Non-Oil Sector for Rural and Community Development in Nigeria

Ibiam Sunday Mba & Kareem Akeem Olumide

Department of Public Administration and Local Government

University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Email: s.ibiam@yahoo.com


 A critical sector of the economy that has proved to provide for the future of every country’s future is the Non-oil sector. In-view of this, the sector has showcased the ability to guarantee steady economic growth, productivity, self-sufficiency and the capacity to boast employment opportunities more than the oil sector. Numerous intervention programs of the government was made reference to as policy effort that contributed to the rural and community development: A Non- Oil sector approach. This paper examines the possibilities of the Non-oil sector to ensure rural and community development through its wider scope reflecting on the structure of Nigerian economy during the 1960s. This paper adopted economic protectionist theory the theoretical framework while secondary sources of information ensured a descriptive approach to the study. The recommendations tends to discourage over emphasis on oil revenue at a time of skyrocketing number of jobless youths in Nigeria. Hence the call for the agricultural, manufacturing/industrial, tourism, communication etc. to play as a liberal sector in cushioning the effect of petro-dollar crisis in Nigeria.

Keywords: Non-Oil Sector, Rural Development, Potentials, Development, Economy, Growth, Productivity and revenue.