Drying Behaviour of Mudskipper (Periophthalmus gobiidae)

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Drying Behaviour of Mudskipper (Periophthalmus gobiidae)

Burubai, W.

Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering,Faculty of Engineering,

Niger Delta University, P.M.B. 071, Wilberforce Island,                              Bayelsa State, Nigeria

E-mail: ebiburu@yahoo.com


The drying behaviour of Mudskipper (Periophthalmus gobiidae) was investigated using the oven method. Results show that the drying of mudskipper was influence by temperature and it was also observed that the falling rate period dominated the entire drying process. The effective moisture diffusivity was determined using Fick’s second law and the values ranged from 5.178×105m2/s to 1.005×105m2/s for temperatures 60oC to 100oC respectively. The temperature dependence of effective moisture diffusivity obeyed the Arrhenius Law with activation energy of 27.44KJ/mol.

Keywords: mudskipper, drying, moisture diffusivity, activation energy, moisture content