The Imperative of Teamwork in Achieving Value for Money in Construction Projects

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The Imperative of Teamwork in Achieving Value for Money in Construction Projects

1Kasimu M. A. & 2Ahmed Yahaya

1Department of Quantity Surveying, Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger State

2Department of Architecture, Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger State


Corresponding Author: Kasimu M. A.


Construction Industry is highly vulnerable to be benefited from teams as the construction products are delivered by a collection of diverse professionals. Therefore, the paper aimed at establishing the influences of teamwork in achieving value for money in the construction projects. The theoretical research approach was adopted by appraised the previous research on the teamwork in the construction industry and value for money. The findings show the benefits derived from the teamwork in achieving the value for money are: high Productivity, high quality decision making, assurance of good quality performance, conflict resolution, information and knowledge are properly shared, assurance of job satisfaction, improved working relationships and reduce rivalry among the professionals etc. Therefore, the paper suggests that there should be an advocacy by the professional bodies like QSRBN, CORBON, and COREN to sanitize their members on the needs to establish effective teamwork in any construction projects in order to achieve the value for money. In addition, the professionals and other stakeholders in the construction organizations should always work as a team in order to reduce conflicts and achieve quality project delivery within the predetermine sum at the time frame.Keyword: Team, Teamwork, Value, Project Delivery, Construction Industry