Ultimate Limit State (ULS) to Serviceability Limit State (SLS) Load Conversion Factors for Building Foundation Design

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Ultimate Limit State (ULS) to Serviceability Limit State (SLS) Load Conversion Factors for Building Foundation Design

Akolo Peter Enjugu1, Yohanna D. Izam2 & Audu Isa Ibrahim Dakas3

1,2,3Department of Building,

Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Jos, Nigeria

Email: newlife_06@yahoo.com

Corresponding Author: Akolo Peter Enjugu


The need to evolve new concepts for converting aggregated ultimate loads back to service loads has become pertinent. This is due to the existence of shortcomings inherent in existing load conversion factors, the need to ensure speedy and less cumbersome service load computation process and the need for cost effective foundation design. This study thus aims at addressing these shortcomings and evolving suitable and practicable options of computing service loads. Research design adopted for this study was observational studies (particularly modelling and simulation).Reinforced concrete structural models were developed and simulated for differing live load values using Orion 18 software to obtain foundation loads(ultimate (factored) loads and service (unfactored) loads) from which the load conversion factors were computed. New values of load conversion factors were evolved and a relationship between the live load and load conversion factor was also established and detailed. The study concluded that the load conversion factors obtained and the relationship established are suitable and applicable. The application of these new load conversion factors in building foundation design and its inclusion in design codes and standards is recommended. The implication of this is timely delivery of design jobs and a cost effective foundation design.

Keywords: Load conversion factor, ultimate load, service load