Modelling Information Architecture to Enhance the Productivity of SMEs Performance in Nigeria

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Modelling Information Architecture to Enhance the Productivity of SMEs Performance in Nigeria

Mustapha Ibrahim1, David Oladipo2 & Saleh Umar3

1&2 Department of Computer Science, Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu, Yobe State

3Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu, Yobe State


Corresponding Author: Mustapha Ibrahim


This research analyses the degree of influence that the use of information management and information technology has on the organizational performance in terms of competitiveness, innovation, and productivity of the small and medium-sized enterprises in Nigeria. Most of the enterprises view IT technologies as instruments to gain certain advantages and many of the times as tools to bring about a change in the business strategies and the institutional corporate processes. it has also been noticed that the promises of it have not been fulfilled, and the so-called productivity paradox has been called into question, especially due to the big investment made by organizations in computers and technology hoping to obtain a substantial profit. Organization suffer from quite number of problems which result to the ways in which business is been conducted. However, among the problems facing the conduct of business in organization is the process of creating sustainable information Architecture. Lack of standardization is also a problem due to instability of technology that changes easily at any time. Considering the occurrences, developing enterprises information Architecture becomes a main concern that needed to address the issues. To build informational architecture for SMEs it is quite useful to identify the problems associate with it and provide a solution that is directly link to the problem.  The assertion has been argued by many scholars in the field of Information Architecture (IA) and further added that it is a useful tool to solve a problem that is identified within an organization.

Keywords: Information Architecture, SMEs, IT, Modelling, Organization