Performance Evaluation of Romanenko’s Reference Evapotranspiration Model against the Penman – Montieth in a Mangrove Rain Forest Belt

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Performance Evaluation of Romanenko’s Reference Evapotranspiration Model against the Penman – Montieth in a Mangrove Rain Forest Belt

1,2Edebeatu, Chinedu C., 2Okujagu, Charity U. & 2Ononugbo, Philomina C.

1Department of Physics & Ind. Physics, Madonna University, Elele Campus, Nigeria

2Department of Physics, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria



The performance evaluation of Romanenko’s temperature – water vapour empirical reference evapotranspiration model was carried out against the Penman – Monteith model for the period of 2000 – 2003. The result showed that the Romanenko’s ETo is a sufficient model to estimate reference evapotranspiration in the garden city which lies within the mangrove rain forest belt of the South South of Nigeria. In this performance evaluation we introduced the used the Allen Table for the Standardization of the Reference Evapotranspiration in the mangrove rain forest belt of Nigeria. The Allen table standard has herethto been neglected table in the cause of analysis, evaluation and performance of evapotranspiration. This result is vital for the analysis and modeling of water management, irrigation scheduling as well hydrological management, urban planning and environmental impact assessment. 

Keywords: Romanenko’s ETo model, Penman – Monteith Model, Temperature – Water Vapour, Mangrove Belt, Port Harcourt