Effect of Hydrocolloid Treatments on the Proximate and Nutritional Properties of Breads Produced with Wheat-Cassava Composite Flour

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Effect of Hydrocolloid Treatments on the Proximate and Nutritional Properties of Breads Produced with Wheat-Cassava Composite Flour

1Nwachukwu, C. A; 1Duru, F. C 2Nwanekezi, E. C; & 2Umezuruike, A. C
1Department of Food Technology, Federal Polytechnic Nekede P.M.B 1036. Owerri, Imo State
2Department of Food Science and Technology, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria
Email: nwachukwu.bit@yahoo.com;

The flour samples studied contained moisture in the range of 11.10 11.90%. The cassava flour 0:100 (W-C) had a moisture content of 11.10 % while the wheat flour 100:0 (W-C) had a moisture content of 11.90%.The fat content of the flour samples were in the range of 0.60-1.50%. The cassava flour 0:100 (W-C) had the lowest (0.60 %) fat content while wheat flour 100:0 (W-C) had the highest (1.50 %) fat content. The ash contents of the flour samples were in the range of 1.94 – 2.96%. The highest (2.96 %) ash content was recorded for the wheat flour sample 100:0 (W-C), while the lowest (1.94 %) ash content was recorded for the cassava flour.The protein value of the flour samples were in the range of 0.59 – 12.20 %. Wheat flour 100:0 (W-C) had the
highest (12.20 %) protein content while the cassava flour 0:100 (W-C) protein values was the lowest (0.59%).The crude fibre contents of the flour samples ranged from 2.06 % to 3.18 %. The cassava flour 0:100 (W-C)
had the highest (3.18 %) fibre content while the wheat flour 100:0 (W-C) fibre content was 2.06%. The cassava flour sample 0:100 (W-C) had the highest (82.59 %) carbohydrate content and the wheat flour 100:0 (W-C)
recorded the lowest (69.38 %) carbohydrate content. The crude fibre contents of the bread loaves were in the range of 0.39 % -2.34 %. The highest crude fibre was recorded for the bread loaf from sample WC-EGCm
(1:1:2) while the lowest crude fibre was recorded for the bread loaf from control the (100 % wheat flour) sample.There were significant differences (p<0.05) in the ash contents of all the bread loaves from the flour samples
with exception of the bread loaves from samples WC-EGCm (2:1:1) and WC-EGCm (1:1:2) which had similar ash contents. The bread sample from sample 90:10 (W-C) had the highest (3.42 %) ash content while that
from sample WC-EG had the least (0.67 %) ash content There were significant differences (p<0.05) in the ether extract or fat content values of some of the bread loaves. Bread loaves from 100:0 (W-C) and WC-EG
flour samples had fat contents which were not significantly different (p<0.05) from each other. However, the bread loaf from sample WC-Cm had the highest fat content while that from the reference 90:10 (W-C) flour
sample had the least ether extract content. The protein contents of the bread loaves from all the flour samples differed significantly (p<0.05) from each other. The same were the carbohydrate contents of the bread loaves
which also were significantly different (p<0.05) from each other. The bread loaf from the gelatin treated 80:20 wheat-cassava flour sample (WC-G) had the highest (20.23 %) protein content and that was significantly
different (p<0.05) from the protein content (19.42 %) recorded for bread loaf from egg white treated 80:20 wheat-cassava composite flour sample (WC-E). The loaf with the highest carbohydrate content was obtained
from the reference 90:10 (W-C) flour sample and was followed by the bread loaf which was obtained from 80:20 wheat-cassava flour treated with a combination of egg white, gelatin and carboxymethyl cellulose in the
ratio of 1:1:2, (sample WC-EGCm).
Keywords: Wheat, cassava, hydrocolloids, flour, bread.