Developing Learner-Centered Teachers: An Assessment of Students Pedagogical Training in the Faculty of Education, Sokoto State University

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Developing Learner-Centered Teachers: An Assessment of Students Pedagogical Training in the Faculty of Education, Sokoto State University

1Muhammad Musa Usman; 2Nasiru Ibrahim Tambuwal; 3Umar Hussaina & 4Muhammad, Malami Tambuwal  

1Department of Educational Foundations, Sokoto State University, Sokoto

2Department of Science Education, Sokoto State University, Sokoto

3Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Sokoto State University, Sokoto

4Department of Educational Foundations, Sokoto State University, Sokoto


Corresponding Author: Muhammad Musa Usman


This is an assessment of students  pedagogical training in the Faculty of Education Sokoto State University (SSU) with emphasis on developing learner-centered teachers in SSU. The Nigerian National Policy on Education (2014) stated that, to fully realize the goals of education in Nigeria and gain from it’s contributions to National economy, Government shall take necessary measures to ensure that, educational activities shall be learner-centered for maximum self development and self fulfilment. Learner-centered method of teaching is a style of instruction that is responsive, collaborative, problem-centered, and democratic The study argued that, students from the Faculty of education, Sokoto State University (S.S.U) are not adequately trained to become learner-centered teachers. The purpose of the reseaarch was to ascertain if lecturers in the faculty  have knowledge and skills on learner-centered method of teaching, and to explore the extent of training/teaching students and courses offered by the faculty that are developing students to become learner-centered teachers.  Population of the study will comprise  students from 200, 300 and 400 levels from each unit and department  of the Faculty of Education, Sokoto State University  alone. Sample of  300 students was taken out of the 635 students in the faculty.The study found that, majority of the lecturers in the faculty doesn’t have knowledge and skills on learner-centered method of instruction. Some of the recommendations were that, lecturers in the faculty should be exposed to regular and extensive training to acquire knowledge and skills on learner-centered method of instruction.  

Keywords: Learner-centered, Teachers, Pedagogy, Training