Proximate Compositions, selected Minerals and Shelf Life of Garri fortified with Pretreated Moringa Leaves

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Proximate Compositions, selected Minerals and Shelf Life of Garri fortified with Pretreated Moringa Leaves

1Ilori O. A;   2Afuape A. O; 3Nupo S. S

1,3 Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Mooshood  Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta

2 Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta


Corresponding Author: Nupo S. S


Food Enrichment is an integral part of improving the nutritional quality of food. This study was carried out to fortify garri with dried and weight Moringa oleifera leaves.  Three different mix ratios of Cassava flour (Garri) to Moringa leaves (25: 75, 50:50 and 100%) were used. The proximate composition, Selected mineral analysis such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron , phosphorus,  copper and bacterial count of the blends were determined using standard methods. The proximate composition of the dried moringa fortified ‘Garri’  showed increase in crude fat, crude fibre, ash and crude protein as the level of substitution increased respectively (0.205-1.865%), (1.657-3.775%), (4.650-8.508%). The mineral composition of wet moringa leaves with garri for Calcium (196.04-218.50mg/100g), Magnesium (150.25-165.20 mg/100g), Potassium (429.80-587.95 mg/100g), Iron (4.12- 5.90 mg/100g), Phosphorus (130.02-152.00.ppm) and Copper (4.50-6.05ppm).The proximate and mineral profile of the fortified ‘garri’ increased significantly (P≤0.05).Product 25:75 weight moringa fortified garri is relatively the most stable of all, followed by 2.5 dried moringa fortified  hence recommended microbiologically. This study showed that garri can be fortified with moringa leaves to improve its nutritional quality, hence government, individual and nongovernmental organization should promote the fortification of garri with moringa leaves.

Keywords: Food Enrichment, proximate composition, minerals, moringa leaves and nutritional quality