The Effect of Bulk ZnO and ZnO Nano-particle Dispersions (cationic, anionic and non-ionic) on THP-1 Production of IL-8

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The Effect of Bulk ZnO and ZnO Nano-particle Dispersions (cationic, anionic and non-ionic) on THP-1 Production of IL-8

Kanai E. T; Benjamin G.Y. & Wamagi, I. T.

Department of General Agriculture, School of Agricultural Technology, Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic, Zaria


Corresponding Author: Kanai E. T.


The responses of THP-1 cell (human monocytic cell lines) to nano ZnO with dispersant of different charges (cationic, anionic and non-ionic) and bulk ZnO was compared by observing interleukine-8 concentration of the cells. Treatment of the cell lines with different dispersants resulted to clustering of the cells and degree of clustering was shown to differ with the various treatments (bulk ZnO and ZnO nano-particle dispersions). The cationic treated cells showed a higher degree of agglomeration. The cell membranes were generally disrupted in all cases giving rise to irregular unbounded cells. The effect of ZnO nano-particles on THP-1 IL-8 production was higher than that of bulk ZnO irrespective of the nano-particle charge. THP-1 cells produced the highest concentration of IL-8 when treated with anionic (AN) nano-particle, this was closely followed by non-ionic (NI) and then cationic which produced the least of IL-8 from treatedTHP-1 cells. There was significant difference between the control and cationic (p<0.0022), control and anionic (p<0.002), control and non-ionic (p<0.00023) and control and bulk (P<0.09389). Similarly, there was a significance difference in IL-8 concentration between cationic and anionic (p<0.01153) and between cationic and non-ionic (p<0.01136)