Strengthening Local Peace Building Infrastructure: A Gendered Perspective

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Strengthening Local Peace Building Infrastructure: A Gendered Perspective

Naomi Onyeje Doki

Department of Economics

Benue State University, Makurdi


In the light of the current reality that every part of the world is experiencing some form of conflict and the fact that the effects of these conflicts are very destructive and retrogressive for economies, it is imperative to examine the structures for peace building. Because differences will always exist in the patterns of living and being for human beings, a culture of tolerance and allowing for other people’s differences needs to be imbibed. The paper also examines a rationale for taking a gendered approach to peace building and discusses the roles that women can play at all stages of conflict in contributing to the peace building process. There is evidence that the taken a gendered approach will support the overall process. However, the local structures as they are not sufficient. The paper recommends that government will have to invest in peace building to sustain societies in the long run but while waiting for government, every woman can play a significant role in steering thought patterns of those within her circle of influence towards peace.