Assessment of Modern Family Planning Infrastructures and Services Accessibility and Availability in Rural Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

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Assessment of Modern Family Planning Infrastructures and Services Accessibility and Availability in Rural Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Itimitang Wilson Etukudo

Department of Sociology and Anthropology

University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria



This Cross-sectional study aimed at assessing the state of family planning infrastructures and services in rural areas of Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria, people cannot practice contraception when the infrastructures and services are not accessible and available. Non-use of contraceptive was directly related to high fertility level and rapid population growth. The primary data for this study was obtained from 516 women (age 15 to 49) selected through systematic random sampling techniques. The Data collected was analyzed in terms of descriptive statistics to present the background characteristics of the respondents, infrastructures and services factors. The primary findings show that family planning infrastructures and services are limited in the study area because service facilities are not accessible and available; and because of paucity of trained service providers and their negative attitudes toward their work and clients. Finally, based on the key findings of the study, some plausible recommendations were made.

Keywords: Assessment, accessibility, availability, Rural, Modern Family Planning, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria