Roles of Government and Private Sectors on Football Organisations in Sokoto State, Nigeria

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Roles of Government and Private Sectors on Football Organisations in Sokoto State, Nigeria

Abdulrahman Bello Bada & Ahmed Abubakar Magaji

Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences,

Usmanu Danfodiyo University, P.M.B 2346, Sokoto Nigeria


Corresponding Author: Abdulrahman Bello Bada


This article provides insight on the roles of government and private sectors in the growth, development and sustainment of football organisations in Sokoto State, Nigeria. The independence of football organisations cannot be achieved without the influence of departments/bodies who work hard to sustain it. Therefore, this paper provides explanation on the need for both government and private sectors to join hands in ensuring self-determination of football organisations due to its positive impact in Sokoto State. Football organisations are imperative to the growth, development and sustainability of soccer in the world. These organisations play a major role in introducing competitions at different levels. Hence, both government and private sectors should join hands together in order to promote developments such as stadium, dressing room, gym, training centre and referees training. This will also create job opportunity to the teeming unemployed youth, creating and promoting economic opportunity to the Nigerian youths. The growth of football organisation will gives people a feeling of unity, joy, hope, solidarity, passion, social connection and love.

Keywords: sociological perspective on football, government sector, private sectors, system theory