The Application of Strategic Management in the Control of Environmental Resources (Fresh Water)

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The Application of Strategic Management in the Control of Environmental Resources (Fresh Water)

Category : Uncategorized

        Chukwuma E. O. Anuku & Gabriel C. C. Ndinwa

Department of Industrial Safety and Environmental Management

Delta State School of Marine Technology, Burutu


Corresponding author: Gabriel C. C. Ndinwa


In the maintenance of biodiversity, human welfare and economic development are sustained through the conservation and management of forests and water resources in order to ensure food security and maintain the ecological system, as the hallmarks of the world millennium development goal (MDG).  The study is aimed at a critical analysis on the effect of strategy on targets 9 and 10 of the millennium development goals, MDG) in Nigeria. It highlights areas where the country has performed well, and areas which need to be improved upon. The MDG is a holistic strategy encompassing the integration of the needs and aspirations of all segments of society which would lead to improvement in access to water and sanitation, reduction in biodiversity loss and conservation of forest.  These, when achieved, would save Nigeria the estimated US$5.1 billion cost (in economic terms) which unsustainable development might have cost the country.