Education, Library and Information: Challenges of a Tripartite Agents in Nigerian National Development

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Education, Library and Information: Challenges of a Tripartite Agents in Nigerian National Development

1Umeji, Celestina Ebere; 2Chukwuji, Charles Nwabueze; 3Ejezie, Jaachike Kelenna & 4Nwosu, Ngozi Mostina

1Department of Library and Information Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka

2The University Library, Federal University Gusau, Nigeria

3Academy Library, Nigerian Police Academy, Wudil-Kano, Nigeria

4CNC Digital Concept, Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria


Abstract: Nigeria after fifty seven years of existence has little or no remarkable development. While education all over the world is recognized as an important catalyst in national development, can such be of Nigeria? What value is placed on information in Nigeria? What importance is library giving in the formulation and implementation of our educational and national development policies and programme as is done in other countries?  These are some of the issues this paper looked at, with review of relevant literature on education, information and library in national development. The exploratory approach was used for this study; a review of scholars views on education, library and information on national development. The paper looked at some factors that poses challenges to the trio of education, library and information driving our national development, finally, drawing attention to the need to give library and information their right place in national development through education. The paper found out that Poor accessibility, equitability and affordability of qualitative education, Poor reading culture, poor access to information, Low information literacy level, poor funding of the education sector, poor implementation of education policies and programmes and little or non-involvement of the Nigerian Library Association in planning and implementation of national plans and programmes are some of the challenges against these tripartite agents playing their full roles in national development. The value of this paper lies in its identification and discussion on review of the views and position on the concepts of education, library and information in our national development. This is expected to challenge our government to be more committed to exploiting these three agents towards our national development.

Keywords: Education, Library, Information, Challenges, Agents, Nigeria, National Development