Perceived Influence of the Attitude of University Management on the Participation of their Institutions in Nigeria University Game 2022

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Perceived Influence of the Attitude of University Management on the Participation of their Institutions in Nigeria University Game 2022

Dahiru Abdullahi Danasabe*; Abdul Mohammed & Sunday Jonathan
Department of Human Kinetic and Health Education
Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria


The purpose of this study was to assess the perception of the university Directors of Sports on the attitude of the university management toward the participation of their institution in the 2022 Nigerian University Games competition held at Lagos. The university Directors of Sports, who were constantly interacting with the Management, served used as respondents for this study. The purposive sampling technique was used. The research instrument used was a questionnaire containing 10 items. This was administering to the respondents to obtain their response. A total and of 50 questionnaires were administer, completed and returned. The data
collected were statistically analyzed to determine the mean scores and standard deviation. The data was further used to compute one sample t-test to test the Null hypothesis. The result showed observed t-value 7.010 which is greater than 2.50 mean of acceptability set for this study. The null hypothesis was therefore rejected. Thus there was significant difference among university Directors of Sports in their perception of the attitude of the management on the participation of their institution in NUGA 2022. It was recommended that NUGA should undertake a serious sensitization of the university management on the importance of sports participation to the physical social and psychological wellbeing of their students and that Management should find additional sources of sports funding to
complement the sports levy paid by the student Keywords: Perception. Influence, Management, Attitude & NUGA competition