Structural Assesment of Concrete Produced with Broken Bottles as a Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate

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Structural Assesment of Concrete Produced with Broken Bottles as a Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate

Gana A.J, Braimoh S. O, Okwuole I. A. & Amodu M.F
Department of Civil engineering
Landmark University, Omuaran, Kwara State


In Nigeria, the rate at which waste is produced daily is very high, which leads to environmental pollution, global warming and high cost of disposal. The cost of disposal increases as the rate at which waste is produced increases, so researches derived a method of reducing the cost of disposal by reducing the amount of waste produced. Waste was used as a partial replacement in the production of concrete in civil engineering construction. In this study, industrial waste (waste glass) was used as partial replacements of coarse aggregate in the production of concrete. In this
study, broken bottles replaced coarse aggregate for 2%, 4%, 8% and 10%. 45 cubes and 45 cylinders were casted for 0%, 2%, 4%, 8% and 10% replacement of coarse aggregate with broken bottles. The grade used was m15 (1:2:4). Slump test and compaction test was done to determine the workability and consistency of the mix. Compressive strength test and split tensile strength test was carried out for 0%, 2%,4%, 8% and 10% to determine the strength of the cubes. The result from the analysis
showed that the 0% (control) had the highest compressive strength of 20.01
N/mm2 at 28 days for the casted cubes. The highest compressive strength gotten from partial replacement of aggregates with percentages of broken bottles was at 2% having a compressive strength of 18.47 N/mm2 at 28 days and the lowest compressive strength was at 10% having a value of 13.24 N/mm2 at 28days. Also, for the split tensile strength, the highest tensile strength gotten was at 0% (control) with a value of 2.09 N/mm2 at 28days and lowest tensile strength was at 10% having a value of 1.29 N/mm2 at 28 days. The highest replacement was at 2% having a tensile strength of 1.80 N/mm2 at 28 days. The result for the slump test and compaction factor test showed that the slump value, which had the highest workability, was at 0% having a value of 74mm and compaction factor value was at
10% having a value of 0.94mm. The result proves that the use of broken bottles as partial replacement for the coarse aggregates is possible and acceptable at 2% to 4% since it has not exceeded the minimum compressive strength value at 28 days for m15 (mix ratio 1:2:4).Keywords: Structural, Assessment, Concrete, Broken Bottles, Partial Replacement,
Coarse Aggregate