Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies in Art Education: Through the use of Innovative Painting

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Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies in Art Education: Through the use of Innovative Painting

Muktar Ahmed1 & Maigari Haruna Bello2
1Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Federal College of Education, Yola.
2Primary Education Department Nomadic, Federal College of Education, Yola.
Email: ahmedmuktar43@gmail.com, harunamaigari.hm@gmail.com


Art education for many years had been a source of concern in Nigeria
due to neglect. This neglect runs across the entire educational sector in the nation. “If a proper understanding of art education has been made and better instructions on art followed in our schools and colleges much would have been done to redeem the subject from the neglect it has always suffered in our society. Art is an important aspect of culture, social, economic, political and other aspects of society. Art students learn to
develop the necessary imaginative, intellectual, theoretical and practical skills to equip them for continuing personal development and professionalism. Art program which includes intensified student motivation to learn, better school attendance, increased transition rates, improved multicultural understanding and the development of advanced order thinking skills, creativity, and problem solving abilities. Some of the contemporary challenges of art education in Nigeria include Art
Curriculum Design and Implementations; Availability of Resource Persons; and Infrastructural facilities. Some recommendations are made The federal ministry of education should liaise with NDRC to develop Art Curriculum Design and Implementations that in-turned with the 21st century needs of the nation that will encourage more enrolment in art education. The government at all level of education should ensure that qualified arts resource persons are employed and retain to teach art education in the nation.Keywords: Effective Teaching, Learning Strategies, Art Education Innovative Painting.