Effect of Management Communication Pattern and Change Process on Organizational Commitment in Selected Research Institute in Southwestern, Nigeria

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Effect of Management Communication Pattern and Change Process on Organizational Commitment in Selected Research Institute in Southwestern, Nigeria

1Ayansina, S.O; 1Soaga, R.A; 1 Ayinde, A.F.O; 1Oyeyinka, R.A. Oyeleye, A.A.
1Department of Agricultural Administration, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria Email: drayansina@gmail.com


The study examined the relationship between management communication patterns and change process; and organizations’ commitment in selected research institutes in southwestern Nigeria. Multi-stage random sampling technique was utilized to select
198 (15%) respondents from 1,344 employees in different departments of the study organizations. Structured and pre tested questionnaire with Cronbach Alpha coefficient of 0.79 was used to collect data on socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents which was measured on ordinal and nominal levels; Pattern of communication, constraints and organizational commitment were also taken on standardized statements were measured on likert type of scale. Data collected were subjected to both descriptive and inferential statistics such as frequent counts percentages and mean scores while Pearson Correlation, linear regression and Analysis
of variance were used to test the study hypotheses. Results revealed that 72.6% of the respondents were below the age of 50 years, the majority (64.5%) were male and 92.5% were married. It was also found that 52.5% and 79.0% had M sc. degrees and earned about N200, 000.00 monthly respectively. The trends of communication patterns in the study organizations were horizontal (x-=3.87) follow by upward
(x=3.31), downward (x=3.16), and diagonal communication patterns (x= 2.99). The most constraints to communication process were status difference (x= 3.53), Poor listening skills (x=3.48) and information overload (x=3.41). Employee were normatively (x=3.43) committed to the organization followed by continuance commitment (x=3.21) and affective commitment (x=3.19). In the tested hypotheses, results of person product moment correlation analysis revealed significant but negative relationships between family size (r=0.20, p< 0.05), pattern of organizational communication (r=0.00p< 0.05); and employees commitment to the organization. There was a significant (p<0.05) relationship between
organizational change process(r =0.58) and organization commitment. Also, result of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) revealed significant difference (F=0.65) in the pattern of communication operated in the different institutes selected for the study with the specific valves of NIHORT (X=67.62), FRIN (X=66.19 and IAR&T (X=65.99) respectively. It is concluded that patterns such as horizontal, upward, and downward communications in the study institutes have really enhanced the commitment of the employees to their respective institutes. Organization is therefore recommended to improve on diagonal pattern of communication in order to improve on task- related
and periodic report process in the various departments. Lastly, organization should rectify constraints to communication process like status difference, employees’ poor listening skills, inadequate trust and information overload. Keywords: Communication Pattern, Change Process and Organizational Commitment