Oshin, Ola Austin
Department of Electrical Electronics Engineering
Elizade University, Ilara-Mokin, Ondo State
The progress and prosperity of any nation depends on the amount of electrical energy consumed in the country. African countries produce and consume the lowest amount of electricity in the world. This has led to the present incessant, unstable and unreliable power supply system in African Countries which has grounded many activities and has destroyed many industrial processes. This has also increased unemployment rate and increase crime rates in the continents. Hence, there is urgent need to establish an alternative Renewable Hybrid Power Supply System which will
provide continuous, reliable and effective power supply using advance control algorithm and Maximum Power Tracking Techniques. In order to satisfy the high energy demand in residential and industrial environments, electrical energy should be reliable, affordable, effective, and sustainable. Therefore, in this research work, feasibility assessment of the study area (Iseyin Community in Oyo State, Nigeria) for the establishment of Hybrid Power System (HPS) was carried out. The operating parameters and performances of the components of the Hybrid Power System were
evaluated and the HPS Simulink models were developed using MATLAB/Simulink 8.1064 (2020a) version software. The Hybrid Power System Model (HPSM) developed comprises of Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) and Diesel Generator (DG) Models. Simulation of all the developed Simulink models were carried out. The optimization process was carried out using Optimum Power Point Tracking (OPPT) Techniques and Genetic Algorithms (G.A). Design processes and control algorithms were established for the production of reliable and efficient output power from the
Hybrid Power System. The need for effective and reliable power supply under the events of faults and variation of loads necessitated the need for the establishment of MPPT Techniques and Control algorithms for the HPS. The MPPT techniques and control algorithms developed in this research work provided high stability and reliability even in the events of faults and variation of loads. The Simulink and validation results obtained made it possible to generate and supply continuous, reliable, effective and stable electrical power to the consumers. Finally, the developed HPS model in this research work was found to be very useful for the establishment of
Hybrid Power Plants and generation of continuous, stable and reliable electric power for the consumers.