Comparative Effects of Organic Fertilizer on Clarias gariepinus Fingering using Cow Dung and Poultry (Dropping as a Case Study)

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Comparative Effects of Organic Fertilizer on Clarias gariepinus Fingering using Cow Dung and Poultry (Dropping as a Case Study)

Makeri, V.A1, Shenge M.T2, Gwa E.T1, & Nyam S.K1
1Department of Fisheries, Akperan Orshi Polytechnic, Yandev
2Department of Fisheries, Fidei Polytechnic, Gboko


Aquaculture came to lime light with various obstacles attached. Among them are inadequate fish seeds. Cost of fish feeds; good management and
inadequate professional. In order to reduce one problem out of many, this
very work is concern in boosting of the organic manure which is always
responsible for the production of planktons into the culture medium shall
shoulder the yolk of reducing or economizing fish feeds better skill, boosting their normal growth. It was by this note, that two organic manure (cow dung and poultry dropping) were selected by the researcher, to ascertain which among the two, will provide better result in the normal food production. While working on them he used descriptive statistics as his methodology. However, findings proved that poultry droppings are more suitable in the production of natural food for fish. The researcher further recommended that poultry droppings should be strictly put to use in order to ensure good and quality natural food production. Finally, this work has introductory aspects which authorized the brief history of fertilizer in agriculture and their types. Again chapter two of this project reviewed relevant literatures related to the work. Chapter four contained the various ANOVA tables that analayzed the final result of the work, with some graphs.