Effect of Rural Development on Security Challenges In North Western Nigeria

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Effect of Rural Development on Security Challenges In North Western Nigeria

Saheed, Zakaree S.

Department of Economics

Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna, Nigeria

Email: zakss_1@yahoo.co.uk, szsaheed@nda.edu.ng


The paper examines the impact of rural development on national security in Nigeria, particularly in the Northern Nigeria. Data obtained through primary sources were subjected to multi-collinearity and Cronbach Alpha reliability tests to detect any autocorrelation and the reliability respectively, before conducting regression analysis on the data. The findings reveal that there is strong positive relationship between rural development and national security. Furthermore, the regression analysis indicates that rural development and telecommunication have a positive and statistically significant impact on national security, while electricity supply and Military and Police Installations in rural areas have a positive but statistically insignificant effect on national security in Nigeria. The study therefore recommends that governments should implement policies target towards developing the rural areas through provision of social and economic infrastructures like good roads, electricity, telecommunication network, military installations among others, to improve the wellbeing, and protect the lives and properties of the rural dwellers.

Key Words: Rural Development, National Security, Telecommunication, Electricity, Military.